eighty four

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I looked in the mirror and nodded back at the guy "I love it"

I had just gotten a tattoo on my arm of a small angel that was very simple and was drawn with one line and along the halo it was my moms name

Jack smiled at me as we walked out "it looks so good" I nodded at him "thanks for coming"

"how could I pass up on a trip for a tattoo"

I laughed "yeah I can tell you love them" I looked down at his arms

my dad and Chloe were on their honeymoon so I sent him a picture

Nate was staying with Daniel and I, so him and Daniel have had some hardcore bonding

it's been funny

after Jack and I finished hanging out I went back to my apartment and saw them sitting on the couch

Daniel waved me over and I hugged him and then hugged Nate

"I gotta talk to you"

"about what?" I asked nervously and he set down his guitar and grabbed my hand and brought us to our room

"my mom came up to me and said that she's worried about us"

"what why?"

"she thinks we depend on each other too much and we need to go on separate vacations or something"

"you go on tour a bunch we literally live together how do we avoid depending on each other?" I gave him a weird look

"I think she's right"

"you think we need some space?"

he nodded "I mean if in the long run this is gonna help our relationship then I think we should do it"

"but it's not gonna help our relationship, it'll just put a wedge in it"

he shook his head "Lace listen"

"I can't listen, you want space, I get it but what if I don't, shouldn't we decide on this?"

"well I have decided"

"of course you have- you decide to but a fucking wedge in our perfectly healthy relationship"

"this argument is gonna mess things up more then the actual space"

I went quiet

"but I don't know what i'm gonna do if I have a panic attack or an issue that I need you to help
me with? I know I depend on you but I need too, I can't do everything mentally by myself!"


"no it's fine- you know I might be overreacting right now but if space is what you really want then space is what you get" tears brimmed my eyes and he gave me a regretful look

I walked out "Nate if you need anything text me" I mumbled


I walked out and felt eyes on me and I wiped away a tear and turned and saw Jack and Karle


"you guys are good?"

they both nodded "you're obviously not?" Karle said and I sniffled "no i'm fine don't worry"

"Lacey what happened?"

"it- I-" I took a deep breath

"Daniel and I just got into an argument but it's okay i'm fine"

she reached out for a hug and I hugged her and felt Jack put his hand on my back and I pulled away and told them I was going for a walk

I texted Amanda

to Amanda💛
hey can I come back to your apartment for like tonight or a couple nights or something

from Amanda💛
yeah of course you still pay for it, what's wrong?

to Amanda💛
Daniel and I had a disagreement and he just needs space so I left the apartment

from Amanda💛
okay, come over now i'm still here


My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now