eighty one

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my phone went off I looked over at it it was 4:27am

from Karle

from Karle
Please come over I don't know what to do

to Karle
hey!?? what's wrong?

from Karle
come to the apartment

I got out of bed slowly trying not to wake Daniel, I threw on my hoodie that was on the ground and rushed out of my apartment

the drive was quick

before I could knock Karle opened the door and she had tears in her eyes

"what's wrong?"

she dragged me into the bathroom and I saw a line of 8 pregnancy tests lined up

they all said positive

"oh my god"

"I don't know how to feel right now, i'm happy that i'm gonna have a baby but i'm terrified"

"so you are gonna keep it?"

she nodded "I don't know how Jack will react"

"honestly Karls, I think he will be the exact same as you right now, if I know one thing about Jack it's that he would never abandon anyone who he cares about and he's desperately in love with you, he will be here to help you through it"

she nodded again and reached for a hug, I squeezed her "where's Jack?"

"asleep I just needed a friend"

"it's okay, want to go for a drive or something?"

"sure" she gave me a weak smile

Karle and I drove around for a couple hours and we just talked

I dropped her off but I wanted to continue my driving because the sun was coming up and it was really nice outside

I turned down a street and a car made direct impact with mine, I sat back out of shock and looked down to see glass shattered and in my hand and arm

there was also a metal piece from the car that was almost right through my leg

they got out and rushed over to help me out

"oh my god i'm so sorry oh my god" a girl about my age was apologizing over and over again and I shook my head "it-it's fine"

she called 911 and they showed up in like 15 minutes

the paramedic made me sit in the back of the ambulance and started taking the glass out of my hand "I need to call my boyfriend"

she nodded and gave me her phone

it was still like 6 in the morning so I was hoping he would wake up

"hello?" his voice was groggy and I let out a thankful breath "can you come to the intersection that's closest to the house that Corbyn Jonah and Eben were looking at"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now