sixty three

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Daniel coughed and started rubbing his chest "ouch that burned"

the show was starting in 20 minutes and they were doing final rehearsals and things like that while you could hear all the fans lined up outside screaming anytime they sung

Daniel was definitely doing a lot better but hes still been barely eating because anytime he eats he just throws up

they were off stage and Eben was rehearsing

Daniel hugged me and he definitely had a fever

I grabbed his pale face and he was pouting, I leaned up to kiss him but he quickly pulled his face away

"im not spreading my illness to you"

"just kiss me" I grabbed his face and kissed him, his hands went to my waist and I pulled away and just hugged him

it was such an intense hug he fell back onto the couch and I squeezed him tightly and buried my face into his sweatshirt he was wearing

"I love you" He muttered and kissed the top of my head

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

"no I do"

"were not doing this"

I laughed

he put his hands on my butt and pushed me up so my face was in front of his, I straddle his waist and I kissed him

"hey no sex back stage Dan-" I heard Zach yell and fans scream

he quickly covered his mic as Tyler hit him

I turned toward them "Zach was your mic on?" Daniel and I laughed, he nodded

"my mic was on" he started laughing halfway through his words and Corbyn walked out of the bathroom

Eben walked off stage with his mouth open slightly as he laughed

"hashtag Daniel exposed" I muttered and leaned down to kiss Daniel

"okay doors are opening which means fans are coming in so lets make sure mics are off and dont mention sex" Tyler laughed


they finished singing Never Know and it went kinda quiet

"whos having sex?" a fan yelled out and they all bursted out into laughter as Daniel looked off stage toward me

"well you see, um no one because no sex backstage" Corbyn laughed

"okay lets not talk about this because it shouldnt be talked about on stage in front of a bunch of people" Jonah laughed as Daniel sat down on the lifted area

they started singing These girls and Daniel did a huge jump at the beginning almost falling

they continued singing and once it stopped you could see that he was almost as green as grass

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