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when we got home Jack, Sydnie, there little sisters Ava and Isla, Daniel, Karle and I were all sitting around in Jacks familys house

Sydnie was live and she was talking and reading comments

I was talking to Karle when I felt someone pick me up and I was over there shoulder, I quickly knew it was Daniel by his outfit

"Dani, what are you doing"

"taking out the trash"

we all laughed as I started hitting his back

"Daniel why are you roasting her" Ava asked and laughed

"yeah arent you supposed to like compliment me not tell me im trash"

he sighed and set me down

"welp they heard your conversation and they wanna know who Daniel is roasting and what girl hes talking to" Sydnie said as she looked down at her phone

Daniel and I gave each other looks and he dragged me over in front of the camera

"hey children, this is my friend Lacey"

Jack started playing the guitar and lightly humming

I looked down at the comments and tried reading them but I was too far

Sydnie opened her arms and I walked over and sat on her lap as she hugged me "yeah this is Lacey I love her dearly"

'Daniels "friend" is really pretty'


'why cant they just tell us theyre dating we all know they are and its super obvious'

'are Jack and Gabbie still a thing'

I sighed at the last one as I realized Jack was reading them too

his mood immediately changed and he sighed "no Gabbie and I ended things but it was a mutual choice and honestly for the best" he moved out of the camera and took the guitar off and walking away

I looked at the rest of the comments and it was mostly just asking if Jack is okay

"little brother left the room but hes okay guys dont worry" Sydnie said and she grabbed the guitar

I got off of Sydnie and followed after Jack


we walked into the other room and he sat in the dining room

I sat in the chair beside him and put my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me and his eyes were watering


he wiped them "no, no im fine dont worry"


he shook his head as his eyes watered more and a couple tears fell "I-I just miss her a lot because she understood me so much and my family liked her and it-it was so perfect"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now