seventy six

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The boys performed at the today show and then they did a bunch of interviews today

they literally just got off their flight before the today show this morning but they were still able to power through it

I was now with Jack and Daniel in the parking lot of the hotel, they were skateboarding, well Jack was, Daniel kept falling

weve been trying to fix the weird space in our relationship but its been going pretty bad

they had an interview on this radio show and Alessia Cara was gonna be there, they were pumped, it was in 2 hours so were killin time

"come try" Jack gestured me to his skateboard

"I havent done this since like grade 9 this is not gonna go well"

"just-" Jack was cut off by me moving my foot wrong and falling off the board, I dont even know what exactly happened but my knee erupted in pain

"oh my- fuck ow" I tried not to scream and Daniel rushed to me almost falling off his board too

"are you okay? where does it hurt?"

"my knee" I said as my eyes watered, I never really cried from physical pain but this was hurt on a whole new level

"im sorry" Jack looked at me worried as my breathing picked up speed

"what do we do?"

"ca-call 911? I dont know, lets bring her inside???"

"ya lets do that, pick her up"

Daniel lifted me up bridal style

"no Ow dont move me please" I leaned my head against his chest and gripped onto his shirt

he rushed me inside and up the stairs to the hotel room we stayed in

his mom was in their already so she rushed to me and he laid me down on the hotel bed as I continued to let a few tears flow

Keri looked at my knee

"Ill bring her to the hospital here, you have to go get ready to leave"

Daniel sighed and kissed me "text me if you need anything"

Daniels POV

the boys and I sat around the interview table with microphones in front of us while Alessia Cara was sitting beside the host

"so how have you guys been"

"good" we all said

"so you just got back from australia what have you been doing today?"

"we uh we performed on the today show and just went to a bunch of interviews and stuff" Jonah smiled slightly

"yeah it was pretty eventful in the last hour though" Jack said to the guy

"whys that?"

"well Daniel, our friend and I were in the parking lot and I told our friend to try skateboarding and she hasnt done it in a while so I was like 'cmon cmon' and she got on, fell, and something happened to her knee"

"wait? who?" Corbyn asked me


Zach laughed "im sorr-y its not funny but weve known her for a while so its just funny to think about"

"wait who is this?" the interviewer asked

"my girlfriend" I blurted out not thinking until Jonah looked at me shocked and I covered my hand with my mouth

the boys looked a little shocked and confused

"was that not supposed to be said?" Alessia asked as she cracked up

"the fans didnt know" Corbyn said away from the mic

Zach laughed

"well now they know"

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