thirty five

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I hugged Daniel really tight outside of the terminal while Tate waited for me

"damn I really want you to just come home with me" I pulled away and looked up at him

"I wish I could come home with you" he sighed and grabbed my face about to kiss me

"Daniel!" some young girls came up and he quickly let go of me

he smiled widely and hugged the three of them individually, and took pictures with them they got into conversation when my flight got called

"hold on guys" he said polietly and walked toward me and hugged me

"bro we are right in front of fans" I whispered

he shrugged and pulled away "have a safe flight" I walked toward tate and we boarded the flight

its been a week since the new york show, im currently with Anna and Amanda and were sitting at the Seavey household

Amanda was playing with the dog they had just bought while Anna and I were talking

"so wanna ive been thinking" I said and Anna and Amanda both looked toward me

"about what" Amanda asked


"what where?" Anna immediately sat up

"no I mean im supposed to move back at the end of the summer but I dont want to, I love living in Los Angeles but I need to start taking money and stuff seriously because I dont have a job and im gonna need one"

"have you ever thought of getting into modeling? like professionally?"

I nodded "ive thought about it but I dont know where to start, but I also wanna maybe do something like go back to school for teaching but id have to go back to Washington"

"but if you go for Washinton itll be hard to keep a long distance relationship" Amanda said as she turned toward me

"yeah but I think Daniel and I could do it, but I wanna try the model thing"

"my bestfriend is a big time model so I could ask her to help you get started" Anna pulled out her phone

"ill text her"

(2 months later)

Daniel and I's 6 months was coming up and he wasnt home yet but I understand its tour and hes loving it

but I really miss him, luckily he comes home tomorrow

"so its been 6 months and you and Daniel still havent had sex" Sophia asked me

"WHY is this always the topic of conversation like there is nothing wrong with us wanting to wait until it gets serious"

"yeah but isnt it weird"

I shooked my head "nope not at all" I was getting kind of mad because they non stop ask me this but its normal to want to wait

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