eighty five

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"I just feel like every time something like this happens I always have to end up walking out"

Amanda looked down at my necklace and I forgot I was wearing it

"when did he get you that?"

"he gave it to me on the night of my dads wedding" she awed at it and I sighed "sorry I forgot"

"maybe you guys should sit down and talk? like instead of arguing and then storming out"

I nodded "ill text him tomorrow morning i'm so tired already"

I woke up the next morning and twitter was blown up

'Zach really fucked up this time' I continued to scroll and kept reading to try and figure out what happened

'guys Zach cheated on her but everyone deserves second chances'

'I thought they broke up a while ago'

as I continued to scroll through I realized Zach and Kay has a secret thing going on and I guess he cheated on her and there was a picture or something, another tweet showed up

'Daniel • WHY DONT WE'
'hey guys, realize that no matter what someone does they're still human and don't deserve hate or death threats'

the comments underneath his tweet were horrible, everyone started hating on him except for a couple people

I texted Zach

to Zach
hey, what happened

before I could see what he said my phone started ringing


"Lacey can you come back to the apartment I just really need you right now" Daniels voice sounded broken and raspy

"yes of course i'm coming"

I quickly got ready and then rushed out the door, when i got up to the apartment i let myself in and walked into his room

"hey babe" I sat down beside him as he was on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands

"what happened" I ran my nails up and down his back to help him calm down

"I just had a lot of really fucked up dreams and then I woke up to all this Zach stuff and I tried to help the situation a bit but now everyone's hating on me and so feel like a bad person for defending him now"

tears streamed down his face and he leaned his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him "don't feel like a bad person, Zach is your brother obviously you're gonna stand by him no matter what, no one knows the full story right now so we can judge on that"

he took a deep breath and I held him closer to me

"I feel like i'm falling into that sadness funk again and i'm so scared"

"baby listen to me" I said and he sat up and I grabbed his face "no matter how you are feeling i'm gonna be here to make everything better and help you get through this"

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