eighty eight

996 16 2

the search for madison went on along with my issues after the event

everything was falling apart

if it wasn't for Daniel, oh man things would be wayyyyy worse, I was in my apartment that I now shared with Amanda and I had sheets set up over the mirrors

it's weird because I have this fear of seeing myself because I know that i'll see things differently

I don't know if this is normal

from Dad
hey you coming over tonight for dinner?

to Dad
oh sure, Daniel too?

from Dad
yeah of course

I opened my closet door and looked through my clothes, I decided on wearing black jeans and a big sweater

it was just my immediate family so I didn't care

to Madison's mom
hey, find anything yet?

she didn't answer so I figured that she was busy, I brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth then grabbed my shoes

"where ya going?" Amanda asked

"my dads for dinner"

"are you gonna be with someone on the way or do you want me to drive"

"Daniels gonna come"

she nodded and I sat down at the kitchen island and texted him

he answered quickly and said he was on his way, it's been storming all day so it already looked dark out, after a little while Daniel texted me and I rushed out through the rain and into his car

he kissed my cheek and then put his arm on the back of my seat so he could back on


"ya know I kinda miss seeing you 24/7"

"just because we don't live together doesn't mean we can't hang out all the time"


we all sat around the dinner table but my phone started ringing "it's Henry I gotta take this"



"hey Henry what's up"

"so we gave you the little break for your dads wedding and everything but we have a new shoot for you we need you in for tomorrow"

"okay- what type of shoot"

"forever 21, there's only like 3 outfits so it'll only be about 6 hours"

"okay, i'll be there"

"7am sharp, bye now"

he hung up and I walked back to the table and sat down, the thunder crashed outside and Daniel put his hand on my leg

"what was that?"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now