sixty one

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The whole Seavey family and I were in the Seavey family apartment

Daniels was getting painted so we were staying in the guest room here, we were currently cuddling but he kept being super touchy

he ended up crawling on top of me

things got heated very very fast

I kept telling him it wasnt a good idea because his parents and whole family were outside of the room but he insisted

(its a lil inappropriate so just warning u)

he thrusted and kept his hand over my mouth the whole time, he breathed heavily and groaned quietly a few times

there was a knock on the door

"Daniel? were going out and Svea wants- oh my god" Keri started talking and the door opened slightly

and then it slammed shut

Daniel immediately pulled out and both of our hearts dropped

he quickly picked up his boxer and jogger track pants and put them back on in a rush, I threw on shorts and Daniels big t shirt he was wearing

Daniel bolted out the door and I slowly followed behind him

"Mom! mom mom" he ran toward his mom and her hand was over her mouth

"what the hell were you guys just doing" she sounded angry, embarrassed, disappointed, and sad even


I stood silently behind Daniel and Keri looked at me with disappointment

ive never felt so embarrassed in my life

"mom im sorry but you didnt knock" he said kinda quietly and she sighed "I know I didnt knock but Daniel you guys shouldnt be doing that yet, youre not married"

"I know Keri im sorry" I said quietly

next thing I knew I felt arms around me, I looked up and Keri was hugging me

"look sweetie, its okay, I just dont want things happening to you two that youre both not prepared for"

she then pulled away from me and turned toward Daniel

"and ive raised you to wait till marriage and im sorry for not knocking and im sorry that I walked in on you but still Daniel" she sounded disappointed

he sighed "I know, im sorry" he ran a hand over his face

his eyes looked watery and I felt bad

"look dont worry, its okay im just really shocked and disappointed right now but ill get over it"

Keri has been acting like nothing happened and ive been more then happy

its been a week since she walked in

it was awkward for a while but now its fine

the boys are filming for there 8 Letters music video and a bunch of people were aloud to come to watch it being filmed

Kristin, Sydnie, Isla, Svea, Esther, Ryan, Corbyns mom Saskia, and me

the whole set up for this music video and the way the shots were and like what they were planning was so cool and im so excited to see what it turns out like

Daniel was sitting in this set chair and I was on his lap

he had his face on my shoulder and his arms around my waist, he buried his face into my neck for a while but then the makeup artist told him to stop

"you guys really are so cute together" Saskia said and my face went slightly red

"thank you" I smiled and Daniel made a groaning sound

"is he asleep?" I asked and she laughed and nodded, he didnt really sleep last night because they were in the studio working on something till 5 am and we had to be here for 7 so i mean he slept like 45 minutes

all the boys were super tired but super excited

"Seavey where you at?" I heard the director yell and I got off Daniels lap and woke him up

he got up and kissed me quickly, his hand went on my waist and he pulled me closer to him until he got yelled at to go shoot again

he walked away and I sat back in his chair and watched him walk

"so it seems as if you guys really do love each other" I felt arms around my shoulders and a head leaning on top of mine

I could immediately tell it was Sydnie

"well ya but what makes you say that" I asked and she sighed

"well that little moment you had there was love one hundred percent, the way you guys look at each other and act and everything about you two screams love and its cute and I want it and I hate you for it"

I laughed "its only been like 8 months"

"ya thats still going on a while though"

I watched him as they put him into places and the cameras rushed in front of him, I sighed

"im so in love with this guys its insane"


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