forty four

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the boys had an interview with a youtube channel thing and they offered for me to come so I did

I was sitting beside Zach while the girl put makeup on him

I scrolled through twitter and decided to go stalk the why dont we twitter account, but before I did I looked at the trending

' 1 Zach'

I immediately got very confused so I clicked on it and over 1000 tweets came up and there was a video of a back with a bunch of scratches on it

As I clicked on it you could clearly hear Zachs voice "my backs fucked up" As soon as Zach heard it he turned toward me

"what are you watching"

I showed him he was trending and his face went pale

"how did this get out" I could feel the panick in the air just radiating off of him

"Zach, its on messy monday"

"no no no my brother follows that account no this cant be happening please tell me this is a joke Lacey"

I put my hand on his back as the makeup lady walked away

"Zach its gonna be okay"

"no no its not it was my fucking ex wasnt it oh my god"

his breathing really picked up and Jack walked over

"hey.. bro"

Zach looked at him with even more panic

"everything alright?"

I showed Jack everything and he was almost as shocked as Zach


"when we were on tour"

they started talking and I kept reading through the tweets, I came across one that messy monday tweeted

it was a paragraph about Zach cheating and hooking up with a bunch of girls at once

"Zach" I gave him my phone

he read it and I really thought he was about to have a horrible panic attack or mental breakdown or something

his phone started going off with text messages and snapchats and he was getting mentioned in tweets and instagram

"I cant do the interview"

"bro we have to, why cant you?" Jonah said as he heard Zach say that

I quickly showed Jonah and you could tell his heart had just sank, I personally dont know why everyone is freaking out over Zach having sex because hes a teenager and youre expected not to be a virgin in todays society

but the cheating thing is a little upsetting because ive been cheated on before and it really sucks

"Jonah I cant do it" his eyes were watering but he kept trying to blink it away

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