eighty seven

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liked by seaveydaniel, sophiasanders, and 230,384 others@lilthompson to not only one of my best friends but my forever family, we weren't on good terms for a while and i'm so sorry, please come home

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liked by seaveydaniel, sophiasanders, and 230,384 others
@lilthompson to not only one of my best friends but my forever family, we weren't on good terms for a while and i'm so sorry, please come home.

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I slowly backed away from their door and ordered the uber to Daniels place

as soon as I knocked he opened it with a smile

"how'd it g-"

i've never felt this broken

he pulled me into his arms and I broke down and fell to the floor, he sat down with me and I sobbed into his shirt

today was the worst day of my life, I lost my best friend and I can't look at myself anymore, everything that happened in a span of 10 minutes was insane

James broke me

"Lacey what happened"

"I-I cant ca-can't breathe"

he moved me so my face was looking at him, he looked into my eyes almost trying to read my thoughts and figure out what happened

the room closed in and I gripped onto his arm and leaned down so my head was against his chest and I was looking down

"baby breathe? count to ten and focus on your breathing exercises okay? listen to my heartbeat"

I heard his heartbeat which was slower then mine and it calmed me down











my breathing slowed down and he held me closer to him

"I don't know what to do" I said as the tears didn't stop coming "what happened" I stayed quiet and sniffles

"Lacey I can't help unless you tell me"

"the girls and I- went to mcdonald's and-" I tried to take a deep breath "and James- that ex I never want to talk about saw me and he gave me this drink and we were so caught up in conversation that I didn't think-"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now