forty five

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I was right, you could see a hickey, it wasnt super noticeable but people were pointing it out and were very quick to associate it with me

Daniel said its fine if I did so I decided I was gonna make them question more
(lets just act like this is them)

Daniel said its fine if I did so I decided I was gonna make them question more——(lets just act like this is them)@lilthompson

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liked by Seaveydaniel, Madison and 12,400 others
tagged @seaveydaniel
@lilthompson never been happier :)💗

view all 1,028 comments

@Madison wow this is definitely making me feel stupid single

@jackaverymusic what a cute 'friendship'


@Laceythompsonsbabe im actually so happy Daniel brought u into his life because I look up to u sm

@kylethompson too close!!!

@lilthompson @kylethompson dad calm down

@kylethompson @lilthompson LOL

@karlejax tell him hes a loser

@seaveysbabys ^ no

@ouchthathurt ^^ yea he is a loser but i love him

@imzachherron aww

@whydxntwe @imzachherron hows ur back

@biggestwdwfan @whydxntwe leave him alone omfg

@cringingwdw @whydxntwe let him be..

I went out for lunch with Chloe and Allison so I could get to know them more

I could really get used to having them in my life

"im so happy this is happening" Chloe said and smiled at me

"me too, ive been surrounded by boys at him so its good to finally have some female family" I laughed and they did as well

"so Daniel seems like a really nice kid, why does he seem super familiar?"

"oh well he was on american idol"

"Daniel Seavey!! oh my god I remember him" Chloe laughed "is he still in the music career?

"yeah hes actually in a band now and theyre doing really good, one of their songs was written by ed sheeran"

"wow thats amazing"

I smiled "yeah im very proud of him"

I got back to my place and opened the door to see Amanda Madison Karle Sophia Jack Matt and Daniel all just sitting around on a couch that wasnt here this morning

I shut the door behind me and smiled at them as I immediately walked toward Daniel and he stood up to hug me

he sat back down and I sat sideways on his lap resting my head on his shoulder

Jack and Karle were sitting beside each other and his hand was slightly on her leg but he seemed to be trying to make it lowkey

I smirked when Karle looked at me and her face went slightly red

Matt Amanda Sophia and Madison were in our very empty kitchen attempting to make food for everyone

I pulled out my phone


Hey! im so happy you have considered me to be a part of your company, I am free all week if you want to meet up at a starbucks or something?

Lacey Thompson'

I read over it 5 times and then gave it to Daniel to read over 5 more times and then sent it

"im actually so proud of you" Daniel said and I gave him a confused look "Im proud of you more"

he laughed as he put an arm around my waist

"I dont know if im going back to washington"


"my dads getting married to someone who lives out here, but im more then happy to officially move out here for sure"

he pulled me closer to him and I smiled

Zach Jonah and Corbyn all decided to also join our little hang out we were having

Daniel Corbyn Jonah Zach and Jack were in the living room while Amands filmed a mashup for them

Jonah had brought Daniels guitar so theyve just been singing

I laid down on the couch and and Daniel walked toward me and crawled on top of me, we was crushing me but I was surviving

I snapchatted him getting on top of me and smiling at me

he buried his head into my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist

I turned the dnapchat camera and he turned to look at me, we smiled at each other and he kissed me gently

my snapchat ended and I saved it to my memories

Daniel turned and grabbed my phone pressing my story and sent it

"Daniel you just put that on my main story"

he smirked "I know"

I rolled us over so I was on top of him

everyone was in the kitchen so they werent really paying attention to us

"youre dumb" I laughed and so did he


My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now