thirty four

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we landed in new york and Tate and I already talked to Christina and the three of us are gonna meet up before we surpise the boys

Christina was meeting up with them later so we were just gonna tag along and see their reactions

Tate and I were waiting for Christina at this little pizza place down the street from F.I.T

I looked toward the door and I saw Christina wearing white jeans and a black tank top

I rushed toward her and hugged her, Tate following quickly behind me

we hugged and it was adorable

"okay so the plan is, before the show im going backstage with them just to hang out and then I got seats on the balcony, I was able to get 2 extra beside me so you two can just tag along"

"okay" Tate smiled

"im so nervous, why am I nervous" I said and laughed lightly

"you need to inform me on you and Daniel because ive only head bits and pieces from Corbyn" Christina said to me and I smiled

"okay well, he commented on my instagram picture and then dmed me, we started texting until my brother took my phone and facetimed him, then we started facetiming all the time and he was my bestfriend, then I had a really shitty breakup and I flew out to LA to meet him and feelings started, then me and my bestfriends moved to LA and Daniel and I hung out 24/7 until we went to this spot on the beach and we almost kissed, then the day after that he came to my door we talked about it, made out and yeah now were here"

Christina and Tate laughed at the last part

"damn 'made out and now were here'" Christina repeated me and laughed again

"I dont wanna be all up in your buisness but have you and Daniel, like hooked up yet? because he seems so innocent" Tate asked

"we havent hooked up but ya know" I said a little embarrassed

"what" Christina asked me looking dumbfounded

"weve done stuff but we havent hooked up"

"oohhhh" they said insync


There was a huge line up along the side of the building of fans and I smiled

we walked up to the security and a couple fans noticed who we are and we waved

security let us in so we made our way inside to the floor section and they were all standing in there places in the middle of rehearsing trust fund baby

Jack waved at us and they all realized who was here

Jonah basically stumbled off the stage and ran to Tate, it was cute except that he almost fell and broke his face

Daniel saw me and his eyes lit up

I knew he was still upset over everything and it was giving him a hard time but he looked happier

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