forty three

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"yeah im going up to my friends cottage so we can hang out when im back" Matt said over the phone

"okay just let me know when youre back"

"okay im gonna continue packing then im going out to dinner with Amanda so ill text ya later, I love you"

"okay I love you too bye"

he hung up and I continued driving home

I opened my front door and was met with a tall figure in the middle of my house unpacking something


they turned around and it was Daniel


"so Amandas gonna be gone for a while" I said and his eyes basically lit up

he rushed toward me as I shut the door

he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me up the spiral staircase

"you only have a mattress" he groaned and I laughed as he laid me down

"so" I leaned up and started whispering stuff into his ear

our clothes were basically gone within a minute and he kissed my neck leaving hickeys all over as he moved down to my chest

I scratched down his back as I flipped us over and started kissing his neck leaving more hickeys

"hello?!" I heard Amandas voice come from downstairs as the front door opened

"shit shit shit" I got off of him and threw on an oversized t shirt and underwear

he quickly threw his clothes back on

"hi!" I yelled back down "Daniels here"


I rushed to the bathroom as I saw the hickeys all over my neck I groaned loudly as Daniel walked in and realized he had quite a few too

"so" we said insync then laughed at each other

I walked out and grabbed jean shorts putting them on and switching the oversized t shirt to one of Daniels old yellow sweatshirts that he didnt wear and put the hood up

"im doing the same" Daniel put his hood up and I jumped on his back "wanna go back to my house and hang out with the boys" he asked

"yes lets go"

he started rushing down the stairs

when we got to the why dont we house all the boys were swimming so I sat on one of the chairs and watched them act like idiots

Daniel went upstairs and came back down still in his hoodie but wearing swim shorts

I think he forgot about why he had the hood up because he took the sweatshirt off

"WOAH" Jack exclaimed and fell into the pool

"bro you are covered in hickeys" Zach started laughing amd Daniel covered his face

"wait I thought he was a virgin" Jonah asked

I started laughing and they all looked at me so I covered my mouth "sorry" it came out muffled

"brooo" Corbyn walked up to him and turned him around, the scratches down his back were still red because of how recent it was

"thats so bad- you did that" he turned to me and I tightened the strings so the hood covered most of my face

Corbyn pulled out his phone and took a picture "bro im sending that to Christina thats insane"

"okay can we stop talking about this" Daniel said quietly

"BRO were all confused we thought you were a virgin" Jack said to him and he sighed

"I was until" he pointed at me and I looked at him confused

"wait you were a virgin?"

he nodded and my eyebrows raised "you were nothing like o-"

"NOPE DONT WANNA HEAR IT" Zach quickly put his head under the water and Corbyn pushed Daniel into the water

I woke up in Daniels bed and quickly remembered what happened between the two of us after the pool

I got up and went to grab my clothes and I was lowkey sore

he was still asleep with the covers just covering his waist

I went to the shower and quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush I had hear and hairbrush

I put on the yellow sweatshirt and shorts from last night, I quietly left the room and shut the door behind me and tried to make it seem like I was walking normally

Jack and Zach were sitting in the kitchen so I made my way over and sat down

"hi" they said insync and Jack slapped Zach

"hi" I adjusted myself

"are you okay?" Zach asked

"yeah im fine"

"you look sore?" Jack said to me and then Zach gagged

"no Zach dont think like that, I worked out yesterday and it was leg day and now my legs really hurt"

"ohhhh" they said insync again

"STOP" Zach yelled and Jack started laughing

I laughed at them both "you are both children"


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