sixty five

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"Karle cheated on me"

the words came out of his mouth and within a second ive never been so mad

what is with this recently, do people find it fun to cheat on people? nobody can stay loyal anymore and its starting to piss me off

Jack took a deep breath and Daniel gave him a concerned look

"im sorry if I interrupted you guys I just didnt know who to turn to first and I saw ur door so I walked to it"

"Jack nono don't apologize" Daniel said to him

we all sat on the patio and clearly you could see something was wrong with Jack but he didnt wanna tell anyone until it was completely sorted out between him and Karle

I have yet to talk to her

he keeps telling me he doesnt want me to say anything but its hard not to

I wasnt being super coupley with Daniel like we usually would because I know when I got cheated on I saw couples and it made me sad

Sydnie sat beside me and looked toward me

"something wrong with you and Daniel?"

I looked at her and shook my head "no why?" she shrugged "I dont know you guys just arent being yourselves"

"no everything's fine" Daniel was sitting against the wall with Isla on his lap while he was just talking to her

she leaned her head on my shoulder and I sighed "ya know im excited theyre going on that part of tour again but im gonna miss him so much its not gonna be good"

"I know, we all get like that with them but its work and they love their jobs so theres not much we can do about it"

I wrapped an arm around her and went on my phone and took a picture

Jack was just silently on his phone, anytime someone would try to ask him something or talk to him he would just nod or quietly answer

he stood up and went toward his mom and they walked away together, he was definitely asking her for advice

Daniel walked over to me and put his hand out

"sorry Sydnie but I have to steal her away from you"

"no!" Sydnie groaned as Daniel pulled me up to my feet and she fell to laying by herself

Daniel intertwined our fingers and walked
toward this seperate part of the patio, he leaned on the edge and turned me to face him

"I dont know how im gonna do 4 weeks without your annoying ass" he said and I laughed

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went on my waist

"wow four weeks is a long time man, for us anyway"

he nodded and pecked my lips

"well we started off living a while away from each other so we can do four weeks, thats nothing compared to how long we didnt even meet"

I nodded "yeah I guess"

he kissed me again but this time a little longer

"wow loving this little moment" I muttered and he laughed at me

his laugh was one of my favourite things

I pulled him closer to me and leaned up to kiss him, all of a sudden I heard the click of an iphone camera

Daniel and I both turned to see you Anna and Tate holding a phone up and then giving us looks of pure embarrassment

"you both really had to mess it up" I said and we all laughed


I started helping Daniel pack, they were going to parts around europe again

he was getting really stressed out because he was having a hard time picking out things and he didnt wanna leave but he was so excited for tour and to be able to perform and meet fans

he groaned as he sat down on the bed and ran a hand through his hair

"I need Jack to come help me"

"ill text him" I pulled out my phone

to buddy (aka jack)
hey Daniels struggling with outfits to wear, can u come help him?

from buddy (aka jack)

"okay hes on his way over righ-" there was a knock on the door, I walked out, opened the door and Jack was standing there looking hella tired

"hey" I pity smiled him


we walked into the room and Daniel looked up as him and Jack did the handshake

he looked toward Daniels suitcase and laughed "dude we leave in 3 days and you only have a yellow joydivison shirt packed"

they both started laughing


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