twenty nine

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I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Daniel

"hello?" his voice sounded raspy


"whats up? everything okay?" his voice cracked and I immediately realized something was wrong

"yeah no im fine, whats wrong"

the line went quiet until I heard a sniffle "nothings wrong dont worry"


"can you come over"

"yeah" I said quietly

"come" he hung up and I ordered my uber

Jack opened the door and smiled at me

"Daniels upstairs"

I nodded and walked up the stairs and into Daniels room

the door was slightly opened but I knocked

"come in"

I opened the door to see him sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands and his hair a mess

"Dani whats wrong"

I dropped my bag outside the door so he wouldnt worry about why I had it, I rushed to him and kneeled down in front of him grabbing his hands


he took a deep breath "its dumb im okay"

he looked up and he looked tired and upset but not like he was sobbing

"tell me"

"its dumb but I have these cousins who really bring me down a lot and they were here earlier with my mom and they said stuff that got to me, im sorry im being a giant baby im fine"

I sat beside him and hugged him

"if it makes you upset then its not dumb"

he sighed

"wait whyd you call in the first place"

"I just wanted to see if you could hang out"

he nodded and my mind immediately jumped to what im gonna do for when I have to sleep

I dont wanna ask Daniel ill feel bad

I sighed

it was around 10:30 and I still dont know where to go

Daniel hasnt seen my bag so he hasnt been asked about why I had it or anything which was okay I guess

"do you want me to bring you home?"

he asked me and I sighed, should I lie to him or just tell him

I stayed quiet

"what arent you telling me? what happened" he said softly

we were sitting in the living room with Jack, Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, Tate, and Gabbie

Jack and Gabbie were sitting kinda far from each other and you could see Jacks sadness because he had pretty strong feelings for her

"Lacey" Daniel caught my attention and I looked into his bright blue eyes

"the girls kicked me out because apparently I spend to much time with this group"

"are you kidding me?" he slightly said and I sighed

"so where are you staying tonight"

I went quiet "I dont know"

"why didnt you tell me, you can stay here"

"I dont wanna intrude on the band love" I smiled slightly as I said it and he laughed lightly

"you can just stay in my room with me until this gets sorted out"

I nodded and hugged him tightly

"thank you"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now