thirty eight

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I finished packing for Portland

Daniel was staring at me and basically watching me pack this whole time, we were leaving in an hour for the airport so he found it amusing how fast I was doing it

he was wearing a yellow hat a black sweatshirt with some type of logo on it and black jeans and checkered vans

I realized what he was wearing and I looked down at my outfit

checkered vans, black leggings and, a black why dont we sweatshirt

"you planned this"

he shook his head and laughed

I lifted up my suitcase and walked over crawling over top of him as he laid back

"I hate packing" I collapsed onto him and he wrapped his arms around me

"same but we have an hour to get to the airport and its about 30-40 minutes and we live in LA and traffic is horrible, we need to get going"

I sighed and rolled off of him, he stood up in front of me and grabbed my arms pulling me up with him

"lets go" he quickly kissed my lips and I groaned pulling him back to me

he kissed me quickly again and went to walk away


he turned around and put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for another kiss except this time was longer

I attempted to make it a makeout session but he denied me as he pulled away "we have to go, later though"

"whos gonna be there?" I asked as we walked out of my apartment and down to the uber waiting outside

"Chris, Tyler, Anna, my mom and dad, and we are having some family over, my dads side of aunt and uncles so not the cousins that you know"

I nodded "im nervous"

"what why?"

"well ive never met Chris or your dads side"

"dont worry, you will get along with Chris hes a lot like you"

"what do you mean?" I asked and he put his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of my building

"annoying" he laughed

I hit his chest as I jokingly scoffed

we got into the uber

the flight was okay and the drive to his aunt and uncles was good but now its time

saying im nervous was an understatement

the rest of the Seavey family had moved to LA so we were staying with his aunt and uncle

we pulled up and I got out of the uber and I brought my bag out with me

"oh by the way were going to Bend Oregon tomorrow and were all staying in hotel rooms but I was able to convince my mom to let us share a room"

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now