twenty seven

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I zipped my suitcase up since we were leaving back for L.A in about 2-3 hours

I felt hands on my waist and immediately I got turned around, my eyes were met with Daniels bright blue ones

"your eyes are so pretty" I smiled at him and he kissed me

he put his hands on my back and moved there way down to the back of my thighs, he tapped lightly and I jumped up wrapping my arms around his waist

it got very heated and he was on top of me, laying in between my legs

he kissed my jaw and down my neck

"Dan-" before I could finish asking him something, his hands moved in between my legs

my breathing picked up speed as he kept his hand there

there was a knock on the door and we threw each other off

I fixed my self up and he did the same

"door closed for too long" I heard my dads voice and he opened the door, Daniel acted like nothing happened by folding a shirt

"hey mr. thompson" he smiled at him

"you know you can call me Kyle right?"

"well, hey Kyle"

they both laughed lightly and I texted Jack

to Jack Avery
hey buddy

from Jack Avery
hey buddy

to Jack Avery
anything new with Gabbie?

from Jack Avery
I think shes gonna break up with me soon just by the way shes acting and its killing me

to Jack Avery
awh buddy :( if you ever need to talk im here, okay?

from Jack Avery
okay, thank u

my dad left the room and Daniel walked to me and sat beside me

"whats up"

"Jacks convinced that Gabbie is gonna break up with him" I responded back to him and he slightly pouted

"oh no, why"

"apparently they barely hang out and she tries ignoring 24/7"

"this isnt good, Jack gets really hurt easily after what happened with his last girlfriend"

"what happened?" I asked

"he got cheated on, she went and cheated on him almost every night"

"oh my god, who could ever do that to him"

we both sighed



liked by seaveydaniel, madison and 8,938 others@lilthompson long airplane rides will be he death of me

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liked by seaveydaniel, madison and 8,938 others
@lilthompson long airplane rides will be he death of me


@madison miss you boo

@jackaverymusic hey buddy

@seaveylovesyou IS THAT DANIEL



@dabbingavery AWW

@whydontwemusic aw

@seaveydaniel who dat

@Jeniferrrrrr is nobody gonna acknowledged that the why dont we band account commented?


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