eighty three

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the rehearsal dinner for Chloe and my dads wedding is tonight and she's so excited it's so funny, she was wearing a short lacy white dress

we were practicing how we were gonna walk down the isle

in pairs it went

Allison and Matt

Chloe's Mom and my uncle Mike

Me and Daniel

Amanda and Nate

and then Chloe and her dad obviously

when Daniel told me that my dad wanted him to be a groomsmen it didn't surprise me because my dad has so much respect and love for Daniel it's so funny

they are friends, like by themselves, sometimes i'll catch Daniel just texting my dad having a conversation, I love it so much

Daniel and I walked down and we split off and walked to the opposite sides, I waited for everyone to get into spots and I looked over and saw Daniel looking at me

when Chloe walked up to my Dad they looked so happy and excited

'us in the future' Daniel mouthed at me and I smiled widely at him

the day was today and i've never seen such excitement in Chloe's eyes, we went for a big breakfast things morning and then came back to start getting ready, I put on my dress and let my hair stay straight

the makeup artist we had finished my makeup and Chloe went in the room with her mom to put her dress on

Daniel texted me

from Daniel💗
hey baby, how's it going in the bridesmaid room

to Daniel💗
good how's my dad?

from Daniel💗
excited, Nate and I have been playing gta

to Daniel💗
well hurry up because you guys have to be down there in 20 minutes

from Daniel💗
I know I know, i'm gonna go help ur dad, see ya in 20 ;))) I love you

to Daniel💗
I love you too bumface

I put my phone down and Chloe walked out in her dress, Allison wiped a few tears and Chloe laughed and hugged her

"are we ready?"

"i've never been more ready" Chloe looked at me and I texted my uncle Mike telling him that we were coming down now

we got to the outdoor tent that was set up beautifully

Allison went with Matt, then Chloe's mom and uncle Mike walked down and then Daniel and I linked arms and started walking

"you look so damn perfect" he whispered really quietly to me "thank you"

we separated and then Amanda and Nate walked down and then the music started and everyone stood up, Chloe walked in and I turned to look at my dad and he was smiling so wide

I haven't seen such happiness in his face since my mom died, my eyes watered

Chloe was basically running down the isle, her dad handed her off and then walked to his seat, he set his cane down and then I looked back

the ceremony felt quick

they kissed and everyone clapped and we all began walking out

all of the why don't we boys were here along with Daniels family plus all of Chloe's family plus the extended family of my dad so it's pretty jam packed

the sun started setting and we took some pictures and then went to the hall that the rest was gonna be at

Daniel intertwined our fingers as we walked and then got to the head table

after everyone ate the music started but for the first dance the boys were singing Please Notice by Christian Leave

they all got into place and my dad and Chloe walked to the middle of the floor

my eyes watered again and Allison reached over and hugged me "look at us being all emotional over our parents being happy"

I laughed and she squeezed me

they finished and I walked down to the floor and hugged them both

"why are you crying?!" my dad asked frantically

"i'm just so happy to see you happy"

he smiled and squeezed me "I love you pumpkin"

"I love you too"

I sat down at the table after dancing for the last hour "can I steal you for a second" I heard Daniels voice and I turned and he grabbed my hand and we walked outside onto the balcony

"I have something for you"

"and what would that be?"

"well I needed a good time to do this and I realized that right now is the best, I guess this is just kind of a I love you gift"

I smiled

he pulled out a white box and handed it to me, I opened it and saw a necklace that had his name on it and on the top it said 'here's my first name until I can give you my last'

"babe" I awed and he smiled at me

I hugged him and then wrapped my arms around my neck and kissed him

"i'm so in love with you Seavey"

"I can assure you that it's the exact same on this side"


My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now