fifty two

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Jack had texted me a couple times but I dont think Daniel has told them yet

from Buddy
hey bud, wanna go get food im starving and have no friends

to Buddy
idk bud im not feeling the greatest rn

from Buddy
ill bring food to u

I smiled

Jack let himself in because the door was unlocked, as he walked up the stairs I could see two chipotle bags in his hands

he handed me one and I smiled

"you legit look like youre going through a break up" he laughed it off slightly as he sat beside me

I sniffled and wiped my eye

"you and Daniel are good though right?"

I sighed and shook my head "no" my voice cracked and his jaw dropped as he reached out and wrapped his arms around me

"what happened"

"we got into a fight and it was one of those 'maybe we should breakup' 'ya maybe we should' 'fine' and he left and we havent talked since"

he hugged me tighter as I tried to hold back the tears from him

"why hasnt he told any of us, we legit know everything about each other, I mean it kinda makes sense because hes hasnt really been being himself lately"

"wait what do you mean" I asked and he sighed

"well you know how hes usually smiling and singing 24/7, he hasnt been doing that and hes kinda just been keeping it to himself but we all figured he was tired or something"

I havent really told anyone yet like any of my family so thats what I was on my way to do

I actually got up and ready but it wasnt the best, I was wearing black leggings and a red tube top with red nike haraches (idk how to spell)

my dad, Chloe, Allison, Nate, Matt, and I were all going out for dinner so my hair was straight and I had a light lip gloss and lashes

im really not feeling like going out right now but I guess I gotta tell them

after I got to the restaurant they all said hi and I went around the table hugging each of them

it wasnt the fanciest place so everyone was dressed casual

I took a seat in between Nate and Matt and they both immediately turned to me and insync said "whats wrong"

they laughed at each other but their attention immediately went back to me

I sighed trying to not breakdown in the middle of this restaurant


they gave me a look

I tried saying it but it wasnt coming out, the waitress ended up interrupting my train of thought and asking me my order

she moved down the table to Chloe my dad and Allison who was sitting accross from us

"Daniel and I broke up" I said under my breath and nobody heard me

Nate was telling a story about his friend or something, I was having a hard time paying attention

I looked around the restaurant and immediately locked eyes with Daniel

where the hell did he come from

Daniel Jonah Jack Zach and Corbyn were all sitting at a table laughing at something Jack was doing

I interrupted Nate

"im going to the bathroom"

the rest of the table nodded and I got up and rushed toward the bathroom

it was a huge restaurant so I struggled to find it, there was this whole seperate building entrance you had to go into

but sadly before I could make it into the female bathroom my name was called


I turned and he looked rough

his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a somewhat mess but somehow he still managed to look good

we stood there for a second

"can we talk"

I sighed

"Daniel look im here with my family I cant do this right now" I looked at the ground hoping to not let any tears fall out

"please Lacey"

I sighed as I could hear the hurt in his voice

I looked up at him and we were making eye contact, we looked into each others eyes and I felt like it was only us two left in this world

but then reality slapped me across the face

"Daniel look I dont know what you want to talk about, you called me shit that is gonna affect me for a long time and I did the same to you, its not okay" my eyes watered

he sighed "yes and you know we both didnt mean it"

"I never thought of you as someone who would hurt me Daniel"

"Lacey listen, we would say how nothing would ever come between us, nothing would ever be to big for us to fix" his voice cracked

"yeah well what did I know because we arent good for each other" tears fell

"youre being stubborn please listen to me, I cant imagine my life without you, and I know thats saying a lot but its true"

I shook my head

"this cant be it" he was basically crying as much as me now and I could feel my heart shattering

"then how come it is"

it went quiet and I rushed past him,
through the hallways, out the doors of this seperate building

I cant go back to the table

not like this

as I walked out I made eye contact with Jonah and he went from smiling to concerned

it just made me rush out of this restaurant faster

to Matt
im feeling sick, going home

I was rushing down the streets of Los Angeles not knowing where im going but knowing that I didnt wanna be here

why did I do that

My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now