Author's Note

359 41 18

Hi guys !!

I am really glad and grateful that you liked my previous work, because of that, it gave me courage to write an another piece. So I am back!! 😀 ( oh ! wow what an introduction. {Note the sarcasm} . Don't mind me I literally suck at it ! But I am really really glad.)

I am back with a new story full of adventure, drama, comedy etc......

(Let me remind you, this book would not be your typical story of mystery/ horror but something more refreshing and scary that could keep you hooked till the end?

What if I say there is involvement of of things that doesn't belong to our world? Or some powerful entity that could control everyone and everything?

What about a ghost and a cop?) 😁😄

So tighten your seat belts and be ready to take a flight in the world of Mystery or may I say something Horror ? 😉

P.S Don't forget to vote and comment.

I will be uploading chapter 1 soon .
Stay tuned 😉😁

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