Chapter 26

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"Good job Ava!" Michael said praising me.

"You go first! Nick is on the opposite side" Priest Mason said.

I nodded. I easily passed through it but uncle seemed to be little stuck. I pulled him from outside and Nick pushed him from inside. Finally he came out.

"Uff! I thought I would be stuck there forever" Michael said chuckling.

We all smiled at that.

The road was broken. Bushes and trees were present there. It became the part of mountain.

I was looking around when I spotted something on the left side. It looked some kind of path. I went to towards it and parted my ways through bushes. A small trail could be seen.

"I found it!"

No one was beside me except Nick.

"Great! Let's check it out shall we?"

"Wait. I tore a paper from my notepad and wrote FOLLOW IT ☆"

We started following the trail. At first it was narrow but it became wider as we walked on. After two minutes of walking we came across a dead end.

"Did we take a wrong way?"

"No wait! Did you see for other way? There is nothing except this. Didn't Mr. Ethan said it was well hidden? Let's search this place"

"But there are only trees and climbing shoots. How can we know?" He muttered to himself.

Someone started pulling my tshirt. At first I thought it was Nick but I was wrong.

"What's wrong with you Nick?" I said and looked in his way, he was looking somewhere. I looked downwards and got a shock.

"Ahhhhhh" I shrieked. Well I was startled. It was a ghost of a 6 years old boy. He started pulling me.

"What do you want boy? Leave me"

Nick came by my side in a flash. "What is it? Why are you so scared? He won't do anything" He told me.

"What is it boy?" Nick asked him.

He kept on pulling my shirt.

"You want me to follow you?" I asked him then looked at Nick.

He nodded.

"Let's follow him. Wait! Do you know any hidden temple here?" He asked him softly.

He shaked his head in yes. We were looking at each other.

Nick grabbed his hands. He started walking towards right. I was skeptical but followed him. Soon we came across a huge tree that blocked the back view.
The boy stopped there. He was reluctant to take step forward. I went behind the tree and then I saw something gray. Few steps more and it became all clear. It was a ruined temple. That's why we couldn't find it, it was well hidden by this tree. No one would have ever known it. Well no one even came here. We found it! Finally!

I hurried back. I couldn't see any of them.

"Nick! Nick where are you? Nick! Nick!"

"Ava! Ava! We are here behind the second tree" I heard him calling.

I went to his way. I saw them standing. I went near them. There was a bird lying on the ground. It was injured and bleeding.

"What happened?" I asked him kneeling down.

"This boy lives here. But he couldn't touch it. No one could have helped him but when he saw you with me, he asked us for help. That's what I gathered"

"Do you have a hanky?" He asked me.

"Wait! Let me help you" I said.

I took out a small tube of sanitizer from the bag, then sanitized my hands. Then I washed the wound with water and  tied the handkerchief around his injured wings.

"Done" I said picking it up and giving him to Nick.

"We need to take him back with us. We can't leave him here. It's dangerous" Nick said.

I agree and then turned around. The boy was smiling.

"Thank you" I said smiling

He nodded and vanished.

"Well, come on I found the temple"


"Thanks to him"

We went behind the trees. We ran towards the temple.

"Finally we found it! But where could it be?" Nick exclaimed.

"It's behind the temple. Remember the words told by Mr. Ethan? Mother. Tunnel. End. Behind?"

Realisation came to him. We went behind the temple. It suddenly felt eerie. We saw that someone has dug something. It was rectangle in shape. We looked at each other thinking the same thing.

We were too late.

Something crashed into my head and it became black.

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