Chapter 7

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I am back with a new chapter . Hope you like it .

I was shocked to see what happened. I slowly looked to my side. He was standing, staring intently at me.

"Who are you?" I said startled.

"Me? I am a ghost. I live next to your house" he said pointing at the house.

"What!? You know I forget that my water is boiling. I think I should go" I said and ran to my house. I locked the door and went to my room. I sat on my bed thinking about what I just saw. A ghost. I just met a ghost. I talked to it. Oh my God!

"You know"

"What!" startled I looked here and there and saw him sitting on my chair at the corner.

"Who are you ? What do you need? Leave me alone! And how did you enter my room ? (Like seriously Ava? Don't you know how did he reached here? )

"Please calm down. I am not here to hurt you, but I need your help ?"

"No no"

"Calm down"

"Go away!"

"Wil you listen to me?"

"Leave me alone!"

"Calm down!" He suddenly shouted.

I looked at him shocked at the outburst.

"I am not here to hurt you. I just need your help" he said to me.

"Help? How can I help you? I am sorry but I can't help a gho...ghost." I said stuttering.

"Yes, I am a ghost. But you see, you are the only one who could see me. I was shocked at first, but when I saw you holding the puppy, I got a new hope"

"I can't help you.. how can I help a ghost ?"

"I won't hurt you. If that is what you are worried about. I just want to know the truth. The truth behind my death. Nothing else. That's why, I need your help. You are my last hope" He said quietly looking very disheartened .

Poor boy.  No, no, what I am thinking?

What can I do?

"If you refuse it then I can't do anything" He said looking very sad.

This was the first time I looked at him so close. He was pale looking. He had a beautiful green eyes. He was handsome but sadness hovered around him.

(Wow! I am fantasying over the ghost. Great going Ava. Get a grip! A dead is sitting in front of you. You are in serious trouble.)

What a pity ? What to do....

Then suddenly something striked me. Those eyes. I have seen them somewhere.

"Wait a second  Have we met earlier?"

"You are the ... you were in the party. The one who came out of nowhere and scared the hell out of me" I said little loudly.


Stay tuned for the exciting chapters !!

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