Chapter 16 (Part 2)

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He was silent for many minutes and finally spoke.

"Fine. I know no one can change your mind once you decide to do something. I was actually coming to give you some good news,

But since the killer knows about you, we need to extra careful.

Listen this year, chief had decided that we will select few students who will work under us , learn and gain experiences for solving the cases.
Since you already got involved in this case you will work under me. But this case is high profile. You will work secretly with us" He said to me .

"I will. Thank you so much. I won't disappoint you" I said determined .

"But you wont take any actions unless I tell you so. I'll take care of this mess."

"Here you go Ava my mom said bringing a tray full of meal.

I kept the tray aside and said "Mom Dad have a sit . Uncle Michael wants to talk to you about something"

He told them about the arrangements except about killer. He told them he would take care of me. He will give me full protection.

"No. I wont allow this" mom said.

"Mom. Your daughter is going to become a cop in future. If I get scared it would be a shame. ,please allow this . Dad please say something" I said to them with pleading eyes.

"But...fine but promise you will take care of yourself, Michael I'll leave her in your care please take care of her" dad said.

"I will thank you Dad"

"Ok I think you should get some rest today. Some officers are posted outside. So you are safe. Dont worry about anything." Detective said to me.

"Bye" I hugged them .

"Umm aunt Irene, please don't tell Anna anything about today's incident . She will get distracted and will ruin her upcoming exams. I'll will tell her myself"  I called over Aunt Irene .

"Ok Ava, have some rest, don't worry I'll not tell her anything" she said and left the room.

They didn't allow me to close the door so I left it wide open. I made sure that no one was downstairs.

I dont know why but this incident made be more determined than ever.

"Nick, Nick are you there? Nick Nick?" I called him

"I am here" I heard him speaking sadly.

I looked at his direction. He was sitting on the corner of the room. Different kinds of emotions could be seen on his face. Anger, hurt , sadness, pain. I must be hard for him.
My heart was crying for him.

"Ava I am so sorry. I am sorry. I couldn't catch him. I couldn't protect you . I will not meet you again. You will again be in danger .
I don't want you to get killed. I shouldn't have asked for your help in the first place. Hell" he said and punched on the wall beside him.

"Nick calm down please, I am fine ok? " I said hugging him.

"Listen to me Nick. Now there is no turning back. Even if you leave me, I am not going to stop. Now its do or die situation. Understand?" I said to him.

"But I don't want you to get hurt"

"This is my job. I will catch that shit. I promise, but I need your help. Will you help me?"

He nodded.

"He is a psychic, damn that guy. He can see the ghosts. He will be tough to handle." He said to me anger showing in his eyes.

"I know. Even though he is a psychic he has the power to stop ghosts. That even more shocking. We need to identify his identity first" I said

"Either he is a priest or a shaman . Only they could control the ghost"

"Or he must have learnt something"

"Did you notice something else? Try to think"

"Oh yes, now you mention. I remembered something . He was wearing a gold chain . I think there was a cross pendent."

"That's why I couldn't see any cross on his hand when he tried to stop you. But, even though he tried to stop you, I could see that he was forcing himself . He was having a battle with you."

"Hmm you are right. But we need to think about how to catch him"

"Now with the help of Uncle Michael and his team we will find him for sure this time . " I said

"We will catch him by hook or crook" he said

"But right now you need to rest, so sleep tight. We need to go to police station tomorrow to visit detective"

"Hmm. Goodnight Nick" I said yawning and settling down to sleep.

"Goodnight Ava. Sweet dreams" I heard him saying.

I saw him setting onto the couch. Today I won't ask him to go. I am too tired to think about anything.


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