Chapter 23

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"What the heck! He is really evil. Even after killing so many people he won't stop" Nick said angrily.

"At least I know who killed me" he said sadly.

"Don't worry Nick, we will catch him fast. That's for sure"

I drive around 20 minutes before halting in front to a big hospital- City Mental Hospital.
Yes, we have come to meet with Ethan Shepherd son of Craig Shepherd.

We easily went inside since Uncle already talked to the hospital about the visit. We went inside and was greeted by a doctor.

"Hello, you must be Ava and Priest Mason. I am George Hudson, in charge of Mr. Ethan.
Please come with me. I don't know if he can answer your questions. He never talks to anyone"

We went through a corridor to the room where he was kept. We went inside. The room was white. One window was there. He was tied to his bed. He was skinny.

I went near him and introduced myself.

"Hello sir, I am Ava. Can I ask you few questions, they are pretty important"

He looked in my way and stood still for a minute. I looked sideways. They all shrugged. Suddenly he started shouting.

"Mom, mom go away. He will kill you! Mom, mom go away. He will kill you!!

The doctor, went to give him a shot to calm down. He turned towards us and said-

"I don't think you would be able to him anything. He is always like this. Please come with me"

Dissappointed we started towards the door but.

"Mom, I killed him ro save you. He will never hurt you again. We will go away far. He is evil" Ethan said quietly.

I stopped and went near his bed. Maybe I can ask him something.

"Thank you Ethan for saving me. You are a great boy. It's not your fault. You went through a lot. But can you tell me where you took him? I want to take him to prison so that he will never ever hurt us again"
I asked him softly.

He was tearing up but nodded. "Sure, do you remember a temple we found when we were in the wood, close to the tunnel. It's so well hidden that no one could find it. I hid him-" saying he fell asleep.

"You went through lot Mr. Ethan"

We quietly exited the room.

"Thank you doctor. We will now take the leave" I said and took a leave.

"Now, we got a lead. We need to find the remains soon" Priest Mason said.

"Maybe, Micahel can be help us with it" Nick said

"Yes, wait let's call him" I said and picked my phone. Before I could call him, he called me first.

"What, a great timing Uncle. I was going to call you. We got a lead" I said

"Ava, come to sation soon. We finally captured the culprit's face. We did it Ava"

"What! Really? How?"

"I'll tell you once you reach here. Come back" he said and needed the call.

Its about time. Finally, our hardwork paid us back.

"What happened Ava?" Nick asked me worried.

"Nick, we did it! We finally did it. We captured the culprit's face" I said excited.

"What! Are you sure? How?

"Uncle, asked me to come to station. He will tell us once we reach there"

"Then, what are you waiting for. Let's go" Priest Mason said.

We did it! Yes!

I drove back to the sation.


They now know about the killer's face. It's about time when he will be arrested soon.

But no one knows what will happen next.  Right?

Stay tuned for upcoming updates!!

P.s I am sorry for a small chapter today, but next one will be filled with excitement, I can assure you that!

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