Chapter 5

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Hello everyone!!! I am back with a new chapter ! Hope u like it ! 😁

"Miss can you hear me? Try to keep your eyes open" I could hear someone speaking. My vision was blurred. My body, it was hurting very badly. It felt as if thousands of thorns were being pricked at the same time.

"Anna, Noah" I said kept whispering. I wanted to know whether they were fine.

"They are in other ambulance. They are fine, Don't worry" he said to me.

After that, I lost my consciousness.


After three months

"Hey sweetheart. Did you pack your things?" Asked my mom.

"Yes mom, I am ready"

"Alright then, let's go" Said my dad holding the bags.

Finally, I was going home.

"Did you hear about it? Asked a one of the nurse.

"About what? Did something  happened?" Asked the other.

"Check the T.V" she said pointing at it.

"A horrifying incident occurred in the Blackville Woods this morning. A boy....

"Nurse Maria, can you please check out the patient in the room 304" said the Head nurse cutting them off.

"Sure" said the nurse.

After 4 days

It has been four days, since the I got discharged from the hospital. Even though, the reckless driver got caught I still have the nightmares about that awful night.

Among the three of us, I was more injured. The branch broke off from the impact and fell on the backside, where I was seating. It felt like my whole body's bone was broken. They say, I barely escaped my death. I was so close to it. It was a miracle. A second birth. After one month of regular physiotherapy, I was finally able to move my body parts.

"Phew! It's so hot" I exclaimed while opening the window.

The wind was blowing enough to cool the surrounding. I was looking outside when I heard some ruffling and shuffling in the bushes. Mind you, my room is downstairs. So, if you were thinking, I have some kind of superpower then it's not. 

I went to the kitchen and quietly opened up the backdoor and slowly tiptoed where the bushes were. I picked up a stick on the ground and started poking around the bushes, when I heard barking.

Startled, I dropped my stick and looked around the bushes. I removed some of the branches that were obstructing my view. A cute puppy was whining.

"Omo, what happened to you?" I said as I gently picked it up, since it's leg was bleeding.

"Let me clean you up" I said smiling at it. I turned back towards the home when-

What do you think will happen next ?

Stay tuned to find out !! 😉

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