Chapter 18 (Part 1)

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Uncle... I started

" Ava, Nick I am sorry for this. I know you are a good kid and I am being unreasonable but please try to understand ok?" He said looking towards the chair.

A while ago,

"Let's go to station, we will discuss more about this there. Go wait for me in the car" he said to us.

I nodded and went towards the car and turned around and said to Nick "Nick, uncle might do or say something that could make you upset, but you know that it's not his intention. So, please try to understand?"

Nick kept his hands on my shoulder and said "Ava, do not worry, I understand that its difficult for him, I just want to catch the killer"

I opened the car door for him.
"Welcome, Please have a seat sir" I said bowing to him.

"Why? Thank you madame" he said in fake French accent making us both laugh.

Uncle soon joined us and drove us to the station. We got out of the car and went to his cabin.

Nick mistakenly crashed to him and he jerked backwards.

"Are you okay Nick?" I asked him helping him stand straight. I knew what caused this.

"Uncle....I started

"Ava, Nick I am sorry for this. I know you are a good kid and I am being unreasonable but please try to understand ok?" He said looking towards the chair.

"But, this is too much"

"Ava, stop it . Tell your uncle I understand his intention. Its fine. Ask him if I need his help how will I be able to contact him?" Nick said stopping me.

"But Nick...

He pointed towards him.

"Fine. Uncle he is asking you if he needs your help in future, how could he contact you? And he is standing next to me right now" I said to him rolling my eyes.

"Nick, I am sorry about this. Maybe you can shift something or rustle paper to her my attention. Moreover, Ava will be with you so she can convey your message to me" he said now looking next to me.

But Nick was now sitting in the chair.

I know, It's not the time but it's hilarious to see him talking to an empty chair at first when he was standing next to me and now he is talking to empty spot when Nick is sitting in the chair. Oh my goodness.

"Ok guys! Stop talking and focus now about what I am going to tell you about the killer" he said

We nodded.

He went to the board and reversed it to the other side. There was a chart with the pictures of victims and their time, place of death. Also a map of our town with red markings on it.

"So as you can see on the map, these red markings are of the places they were found"

"And they are all close to each other. So that means the killer is from our town" I said looking at both if them.

"Bingo. Also when you look at victims profile only one thing is common in them. All of them were in their mid-twenties and were clinically proven to be depressed"

So, we now know that this guy only targets women in their mid-twenties who are depressed. Also, if we look at the locations were the bodies were found, we can say that this guy is a sociopath. He approaches them, he keeps their record of every single movement made by them and then kills. About his height he must be tall and well-built. He can easily overpower them"

"Also, if we look at the time of the kill, it's all one month apart until the death of 6th victim, which shows the change in pattern.
The victim was depressed and abusive in nature. That what triggered the killer. He was probably abused by his mother when young and she might be depressed. So,when he knew about this it might have triggered that memory that's why he killed her. The killer gives justice by becoming the judge. He thinks all depressed women are dangerous"

"Woah, this guy is totally...Nick started but was interrupted by officer Joe

"Captain, we have a big problem! You should see this" he said panting from running.

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