Chapter 9

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I woke up hoping that yesterday was a dream.

"Good morning!" came a cheerful voice.

So much for a dream.

I sat up and saw him sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Hey! What are you doing in my room at this hour?" I asked him.

"Come on sleepy head, it's ten o'clock in the morning. We need to start our mission"

"Mission? I asked aloud, looking at him. I was still half asleep.

Well he gave me a look that said Unbelievable.

"Oh that? Yes, the mission"

"Now, if you don't mind your highness, will you please leave my room so that I can freshen up?" I said to him.

"Uh sure. I'll be waiting in the hall" he said opening the door.

"Hmm, oh no. Did he went? I hope he doesn't cause any trouble"

I took a quick shower and went to the dining room.

"Good morning Mom" I greeted her by giving her a morning kiss.

"Good afternoon honey" she replied.

"Here is your breakfast and I'll be leaving for office in ten minutes" Mom replied setting me a plate of two chicken sandwich and a glass of milk in front of me.

"Hmm ok" I said settling down on the chair to eat.

"So, how are you planning to spend your holidays?" My mom asked.

"By helping a ghost to revive his memory?" I said absentmindely.


"No. I mean I have not thought about it"

"Alright. I am going now. Don't get into trouble" She said getting up.

"Yeah, bye"

"Don't get into the trouble" A voice whispered into my ear.

"Aya! Dude don't come out of nowhere" I almost shouted.

"It's fun though" He said chuckling.

Haha..very funny.

He sat on the chair opposite to me.

"By the way do you have any kind of superpowers after you became a ghost?" I asked him while chewing on the sandwhich.

"That's disgusting. No, I actually don't have any kind of powers. But I can vanish and touch few of the things. I can't eat anything unless someone burns them or offers something in my name praying. You know, someone said to me that even though my abilities are limited it would increase someday" He replied to me.

"Really? Then let's test it out" I went to the kitchen and took a plate from the rack where it was stacked and transferred one sandwhich on his and prayed for him.

I saw him slowly taking out his hands . He hesitated at first. He tried to poke it with his index finger. Then he grabbed it. We were surprised at this discovery.

"It worked" I exclaimed.

"Yes, it worked. It's been long since, I had this kind of food" he said happily munching on it.

(Poor fellow. What might have happened ?)

"Also, do you... I mean can you see other ghosts too?" I asked him.

"I do see them. I also talk to them . There are friendly as well as scary and dominant one" He replied.

Even the ghosts are scared of other ghosts.

"Well, there isn't one in my house right?" I asked nonchalantly.

He stopped eating and froze. His eyes became big as saucer.

"I can see one"

"What! Where?"

"It's right in front of me, chewing the sandwhich like a cow" he said laughing.

"You! Idiot!" I grabbed the spoon and threw at him. Obviously, it went through him and hit the vase. It fell down and broke into millions of pieces.

"Oh my God!" I ran to the kitchen and took the broom. I came back to dining hall and cleaned the area.

I am dead.

I could still hear someone laughing uncontrollably.

"Now, you look like a ghost" he said between his laughters. I scowled at him which only made his laughter more louder.

We finished the rest of the breakfast and went to living room.

"Stay here. I'll come back" I said to him and hurried to my room.

"Notepad? Notepad? Where did I keep it" I asked myself while searching the drawers.

"Found it!" I exclaimed. It was kept under my pillow. I took it and went back to the hall. Nick was sitting on the rug. I sat opposite to him.

"Ok then let's start" I said getting myself ready to jot down the information.

"Tell me everything that you remember.
Don't miss out a single thing" I said getting serious.

He gave me a nod and then started.

What do you think might be his story? What could have happened?

Stay tuned to find more !!😉

So long !!

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