Chapter 13

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We took a bus to my home and were now sitting on the carpeted floor of my room. I took out my laptop from the bag and loaded the pictures connecting via USB wire. It was beyond imagination. It was written-

Forensic report:

Signs of struggle. Strangling marks seen on the neck. Bruise on the lateral side of abdomen and on the knuckles.

Failed straggling. Stabbed at abdomen first time. Then in chest two times. Slow and painful death. Sadist.

Found out half km from the last murder of 6th victim in the tunnel. Dragging marks seen. Footprint of the boy found near the tunnel. Deserted area. Signs of struggle seen at both the site. Killed on same day with 20mins apart.
Change in the pattern.
Did he witness the murder? What was he doing there?.....

"Oh my God. This is -

"Ahh" Nick cried holding his head and fell on the floor.

Nick's POV

I was horrified with what was written. I couldn't believe my eyes. Suddenly, my head started spinning and throbbing like hell.

"Ahhhh" I cried from the pain and fell on the floor. The pain was unbearable. I could hear Ava calling out to me but I couldn't speak. Suddenly I could see something. Some kind of flashbacks.

I could see someone strangling me very hard. I tried to remove the hands with every ounce of my strength left but the hold was very tight. I couldn't breath, it was too tight. I couldn't even see. It was too blurry. I was burning. It was painful. When I was going to lose my consciousness, he loosened his hands around my neck. I could feel the air. I gasped for it. I tried to inhale much air I can. A hope rose in me. Maybe, maybe he thought I was dead. Maybe someone will come to rescue me? But it was not so, soon I realised why did he leave me. With little strength left in my body, I opened my eyes, but saw a knife coming down and hit me on the abdomen. I couldn't even get to cry out aloud, I was too tired, second stab was on my chest. I could hear the someone speaking to me . Murmuring, laughing and patting me on my shoulder. I lost my conscious.

Ava's Pov

"Nick! Nick!" I called out to him but he didn't woke up. I was getting worried. I couldn't do anything except waiting for him to wake up.

Suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Nick! Nick! Are you alright? How come did you faint, that too suddenly. You scared the hell out of me" I couldn't stop questioning.

"Calm down. Give me a minute" He said trying to sit down. I helped him up.

"What happened. How come you suddenly lose your consciousness?" I asked him again

"I think I remembered something" He said looking at me.

"Really?" I asked him

He nodded and told me about his memory.

"Even though it's not full memory, at least I remembered something."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed my eyes big as saucers.

"I am so sorry Nick. You had to went through a lot. That's why your soul cannot rest in peace. You have to find the culprit. They say if one dies unfair death, the soul couldn't rest in peace, unless he finds the cause" I said to him.

He nodded with a determined look on the face.

"Wait, did you check the other pictures?"

"No, I was too engrossed worrying about you"

"I am fine. Seriously" he said.

"Will you be ok?" I asked him worried.

"Yes. Let's finish reading the other reports"

This is insane. Total of six murders took place at different locations with different parts of body cut. And they were all women in their mid twenties.

We were looking at each other horrified and thinking the same thing.

He is a psychopath. That is confirmed .

"This is inhuman. He already killed six people, including me" Nick said with dark look on his face.

"What to do now ? We couldn't possibly handle this" He said with saddest expression after few moments of silence.

"Nick listen to me. We need to catch this killer. We need to avoid more death. Even if we fail, we should at least try" I said determined.

"No. Ava we need to stop. No. You need to stop. This guy is not a ordinary murderer. He is a psychopath. I am dead. Police will find it out. Even if they do not, I don't want to endanger you. You are still alive and breathing. I don't want you to risk your life. No." he said to me.

"No Nick, I know, he is not in his sane mind. I know this will be difficult, But Nick he already killed seven people. Seven people. I know its risky, but I want to give it a shot. I am going to become a police officer in future. These bastards should be behind the bars not roaming around and killing innocent people" I said


"No but, I know you are worried. I know you want to catch the killer more than any others. I don't want you give up a chance to find your culprit because of me. I already got involved in it when you asked me for my help." I said smiling

He looked at me without any expression but soon broke into smile .

"But hey imagine, how cool would it look in newspaper stating "A student of Oxford Police University found out about the serial killer" I said lighting up the mood.

"And a ghost helped her to achieve it" he added grinning.

"I think we should make up some notes about the murders and compare it. What do you think?" Nick asked m.

"Perfect. Maybe we can find something" I added in agreement.

"I'll catch you . You just wait for me" I thought determined.

"We will soon meet each other. Wait for me"

Will Ava and Nick will be able to find about the killer?

(Hi everyone! I wanted to share something with you guys that, some of you might find the chapters long or boring but let me assure you that it will become more exciting as the story progresses. So, plz bear with it. Thank you❤)

Keep tuning to find out about it !!😉

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