Chapter 10 ( Part 2)

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The funny part about my memory is that I only remember my name at first. Nick. Nothing else.

That's why, I decided to follow the officers. So that, I can know about my identity. I followed them first to the station and had to wait for one hour till they could find out about me.

I went with them to where they were headed. We went inside. When they told them about me. My mom I suppose she fainted from shocked. They couldn't believed what they heard. Even though I lost my memory seeing them hurting ached my heart. My death ultimately. For which I couldn't curse except the murderer. Pity isn't it ?

After two days, I saw my own funeral taking place. People came to pay their respect. They were crying from pity and loss. Suddenly, my head started spinning and hurting very badly. Soon, I remembered everything that happened with me. I remembered my family, my friends everything except the most important part. My murder.

I am Nick Drew. I am 20 years old.  Second oldest of my family out of 3 siblings. My sister 3 years older than me and my little brother who is 6 years younger than me. A student of a law school. I remembered the happy and sad times I went through. As I said, I could remember everything expect the memory of my murder.

Since I had nowhere to go, I lived in my room for next two days. I was lying on my bed when my mom suddenly came to my room. She took out the album that was kept in the drawer. It was my album that I made myself. She sat in my bed. She opened it. There were pictures of mine as well as my family. She smiled for the first time in two days. It was beautiful but she started crying from the grief. I sat next to her and gave her a sidehug. I wanted to console her saying I was there by her side. That time I didn't know that people can feel my touch. My mom froze there and turned her head sideways. "Nick? Are you there? What happened to you? Why were you found there? Why did someone do that to you?" She asked crying, looking away from me. I realized that I could touch things. My dad came to my room. He saw mom crying and sat next to her.

"Honey, I felt like someone hugged me. It must be Nick. He must b-" she said choking on her own word.

My dad hugged her and tried to console her while crying himself. It was heartbreaking. He took her downstairs. This made me determined about finding my killer. But how? I started thinking about it while  wandering around with the ghost dog who I made friends with. We were playing when he went to your area. When you held it, that's when I realized that maybe you could see me. A lost hope was revived and the rest is history.

"When did you shift in the house next to mine? As far as I had heard, it was abandoned for 20 years until the family of three came to live there 2 years ago, there was a rumour that there was other person living or death. Well, no one asked about it and your mom never mentioned you I think. Don't tell me.." I asked him.

"Yes. I am the rumoured guy. My mom doesn't like to talk about me. She says it makes her miss me more" he said shrugging.

I smiled at that. Well it's true.

"I remained in California to complete my schooling. Since, I cleared the entrance for the law school here. I decided to live here for good. I shifted here after your accident. So  you would not had known about it. And we couldn't possibly had met each other. Our timings were always off. I guess. I also didn't knew about it till yesterday. I remember now. Since, I was in hurry that time I didn't realize that my mom went to visit you at the hospital two months ago.

"Really? I couldn't see her. I'll visit her soon. I also remember now that my parents also went to your funeral. I didn't in knew it was yours" I said sadly.

"It's ok. But is this coincidence or fate? We again met each other and moreover you are my neighbour. Amazing right?" He said grinning.

He narrated his story. It was heartbreaking and I was really surprised to find that he was the mysterious neighbour. Pity that a young live was lost due to a mad murderer. Listening to his story made me more determined to find the culprit.

"Ok, then, let's discuss about the case"

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