Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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Hi guys this chapter will be divided into two parts .

Enjoy !!
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He gave the nod and started.
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Nick's Story

I woke up in a room. It was dark yet some amount of moonlight lit the room not whole but a small part.

I don't remember how I reached there . Why I was there? What I was doing there? How many days have passed? Many times I tried to remember but I couldn't. I lost an important part of my memory. I stood up and tried to familiarise myself to the room. There might be a switch somehwhere. I took a few steps cautiously to my right and crashed in the wall. Relieved, I started following the  wall. I kept moving and moving until I succeeded. Soon, I  found a switch and clicked on it. A single bulb lit the room enough to recognise. It was in some kind of storeroom. The boxes were present here and there. I looked here and there but then, what I saw was beyond my imagination. It was horrifying. I saw a body. A body lying in the pool of  blood. I was scared but gathered my courage and went towards it, slowly, step by step, my heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it beating. I saw it. I saw the body.  It felt familiar because it was me. I was lying on the floor. It might be a dream. I was stabbed brutually thrice. It must be a nightmare. I need to wake up. This couldn't be happening. I am not dead. This is not me. All kind of thoughts were running in my head.

I could hear the sirens and the cars parking outside. People came running towards the door. They opened it. The police and forensics ran past me to the body. They started inspecting the body. Other officers secured the area.

One officer said "Poor kid who could have done? When they start to dream, some madman took his life" He said sighing .

"I know right? But we can do justice only by catching the culprit" other officer said.

"Officer Rick, did you find out about his identity? And what about the hikers who reported this?"

"Yes sir. I talked to them. They seemed that they just stumbled across here while hitch- hiking. I checked for their alibi and it is reliable. And about his family, they are still working on it" Officer Rick replied.

"No no, I am alive can't you see and hear me. I am standing in front of you."

I shouted and screamed to them but it went all to vain. They couldn't hear me . I was invisible to them. I am DEAD. My life was over. I became a GHOST.

What do you think about this Chapter?

Will update part two soon.

Stay tuned for following exciting chapters.!!✌✌

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