Chapter 17 (Part 2)

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"You did not tell me about it" Nick said pouting.

I did not got time. I was too sleepy I said to him.

He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Ava I am here. Who are you talking to? Huh?" Uncle looked at me confused.

"Huh? Nothing" I said to him and giving a glare to Nick. This guy will be death of me. Oh I forgot he is already dead.

"Anyway Good job Ava. Since this is handmade, I think we will be able to find the purchaser" he said

I nodded.

"Let's discuss more about it in the office what do you think?" He told me .

"That's great"

As uncle was walking towards the door, Nick went through him and crashed with the table making the plastic vase fall over. Uncle froze and saw me with blank expression.

I didn't realize I was already talking to him.

"Nick be careful dude. You are a ghost have you forgotten? See what you did? Be careful ok? You also made him freeze" I said to him.

Nick gave me a look that said UNBELIEVABLE and pointed towards my uncle.

I realized what I did and slapped my hands over my mouth.

"So much for talk" Nick said to me shaking his head. I'll kill him someday.

"Ava , did you just said Nick? Ghost? You can see ghost" he asked me shocked.

"Uncle, let me explain please"

What he asked me next shocked me.

"When did you started seeing ghost? Was it after your accident. Oh my goodness! I should have known when you were distracted and talked nonsense sometimes. No, this won't do. I need to talk with your parents." He said panicking.

What is going on? I took his mobile phone from his hand and kept it with me.

"Ava give the phone back. I need to talk to your parents"

"No, first tell me what are you talking about? Are you saying that you believe that I can see ghost? Why do I feel like you know something, tell me"

"I think it's the time that you know about everything" he said sighing.

The things he told me, revealed about what my identity was. Not only me, Nick ,we both froze.

"Ava, things that I am going to tell you , listen very carefully. We never wanted to talk about it but...anyway..

When you were a kid, one day we decided to go to a picnic. When Anna came crying to us and said that you were ignoring her and playing and laughing yourself . We went to see what was happening. We saw you talking and playing and laughing by yourself . Your mom went to you but you ignored her and said that you were disturbing us . We thought maybe you made an imaginary friend and didn't care about it that much . This started happening frequently and you became more and more violent. That one night changed everything.

That night you came crying to your parents room saying that she will kill your parents because you were always disturbing them while they played. When you said that the things kept in their room started flying everywhere. It was disturbing and scary. That's when they came to our home carrying you and said to us everything. Of course we didn't believe . When we went to check your home. We couldn't believe our eyes. Every single things were overturned.

We contacted an exorcist Mr. Alan who performed an exorcism and purified your house. We later contacted a shaman who said to us that you were a psychic and you could see the ghosts and this needs to be stopped otherwise you will be in danger . So she performed an suppressing rituals, after which you could not see any ghost. But I guess that accident revived it.

Tell me Ava the ghost you were talking to is Nick right? The one who got murdered?"

I could not digest what he told me about.

What the hell? I am a psychic?

"You are also a psychic, wow" Nick said amazed.

Yup, you are right I ignored him.

"Give me few minutes to digest what you told me about" I said to me .

"No, there is no time. I need to talk to your parents. We need to suppress your ability."

I calmed down and replied to him

"Uncle, I understand what you mean but let me tell you, Nick is the one who had been helping me all along."

I told him all about him.

"You see he has been helping me all along. If I destroy this ability now, I will not be able to help you. Moreover, I am sure Nick knows more about him than us, it's just that he has lost his memory for now . He also helped me to fight with that guy. He is a good ghost. I know you are uncomfortable but trust me" I said pleading.

"I don't want anyone to know about this . This is for the best" I added.

"But, what the hell?" He took the paper where Nick wrote something

Detective I know you are sacred and uncomfortable. You believe I am evil but I dont mean any harm. I am not evil. I just want justice for myself and other victims . Right now I dont remember anything but I'll help you.if I fail you can perform exorcism on me I wont do anything. I promise.

"See? Also there is also something that will help in catching the killer" I said determined.


They are getting closer and closer to the killer? Don't you think so?




Stay tuned for upcoming updates!! 😉😉

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