Chapter 20

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We could hear uncle shouting. We entered the control room.

"Ava, Are you okay?" he said turning me around for any injury.

"Joe! What were you guys doing there? I sent you to keep her safe yet he approached her under your nose. What if he harmed her?
He was so close!" He said angrily striking his fist against the desk.

"I am sorry captain. I should have been more careful" Officer Joe said.

"I am fine. Did you find anything?" I interrupted him.

He shaked his head. "According to the manager. New workers were not hired in this week. Even if they saw the clown, they thought it was the part of the team. No one saw him. Manager show me the CCTV footage.

"Where did he disappear from here? Check this place out" Michael said pointing on the screen.

"Sir we found the clothes that clown wore. It was thrown in the bushes" Officer Joe voice came through the transmitter.

"Check that area minutely, there must be a way. We are on the way" Michael said.

We were greeted by one of the officers when we reached the location.

"Did you find anything?" He asked.

"No, there is no route through which he could escape unless he went through man-hole. I sent Alex to check the other side" Joe said.

Michael nodded his head. "Good job Joe. You are improving day by day"

"Sir, the tunnel opens near the woods. There is no CCTV camera in this area"

"Alright, take few men with you and search the location" Joe said through transmitter.

"What is this guy? A ghost? He is always so close yet we fail to catch him" Michael said in frustration.

"I don't know about the ghost but he is a psychic" I said to him .

"What did you say? A psychic?" I told him about the missing details from the encounter with him.

He was shocked. "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier. He-

"Nick! Nick! Are you okay?" I asked him. He was grabbing his head and sat down. After few minutes he calmed himself down. He looked pale and tired.

"Are you okay? You scared me" I asked him worried.

"I am fine but I remembered something. It was someone talking. The killer was talking to me.I couldn't see anything. I guess I was blindfolded. He was saying something, that I was really unfortunate. I shouldn't have come there. Also, he was enjoying the killing for this boy. If he did not prayed earnestly and harbour the negative emotions. I wouldn't had been able to control him. Because of someone I was badly injured. He was a perfect vessel, a perfect oppurtunity. But you won't be alive for much longer. Because I will kill you and your soul, he said this in really low, chilling voice"

Needless to say I was shocked beyond the words at this new piece of information. My mind became blank for few minutes.

"The heck?! First, he is a psychic, now he is actually a ghost taking that body as a host ! I shouted making them both flinch.

"What are you talking about?" I told Michael about what Nick told me.

"You mean to say he is a ghost and he is using that man's body as a vessel? No, no. Are you sure? Oh God"

"Wait a second Ava, you said to me that he is killing the ghost and people?" He said looking at me.

"That means he might be killing for long, since he is a ghost? maybe there are other victims we don't know about?" I said.

"Bingo, but we are not sure about this"

I helped Nick up. "We need to find more about this but how?" he asked.

"I know a place where we can find our answers. We need to go. Come with me" Michael said suddenly.

"Ok, but where?"

"We need to visit the shaman who suppressed your ability, she can tell us about it"

"But won't the exorcist would tell us better?" Nick said.

"I want to visit her to know about the ability Ava has and also about the ghost. She might see a vision and then we can visit father afterwards. You two go first I'll join you in a minute."

We nodded and sat in the car.
"You know I never believed in these stuffs earlier, I thought they were all fake" Nick started.

"But now nothing surprises me" I continued.

"True, according to what detective said she seems to have more power than other, maybe we can get some answers"

"I hope so Nick, I hope so. To be honest, I really want this to end"

"And then we can go on a trip" he said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know Ava, it would have been great if could have become friends like now when I was alive" he said suddenly.

"But, we already met each other. Don't you remember? In the corridor?" I said laughing.

"Yes, I forgot. But I really wish we could enjoy our company for long" he said sadly.

Sudden saddness filled in me. I don't want him to part from me but I couldn't do anything, he needs to move on. I really wished Nick was alive not a ghost.

"Ava, you are crying. What happened?" Nick asked worried.

I didn't realized that tears started falling down.

"I really wished you were alive Nick, not a ghost. After this you will move on. I becoming selfish, but I don't want you to go" I said sobbing.

Nick hugged me but didn't tell me anything because we know that he has to move on. He can't be a ghost forever.

"Don't worry Ava, if destiny allows we will definitely meet each other, if it's in this lifetime then you would be an old women with wrinkles and sagging muscles" he said teasing me.

I playfully punched him. I wiped my tears away. I cannot become selfish. As he said if destiny allows we will definitely meet in future.

Michael entered the car and started the car. "Let's go then!"

"Where does she live uncle?" I asked him.

"She lives in the countryside. It will be two hour journey. You can have some sleep till then, I'll wake you up when we  reach there" he said looking at me through mirror.

I nodded and adjusted myself for a sleep. Soon, the world became dead to me.


Oh no! The killer is a ghost who has been using man as a vessel to kill people. Now, what do you think Ava and Nick will do?

Stay tuned for upcoming updates!!




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