Chapter 6

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"Waah....!!" I cried startled at the man standing in front of me.

"Woah! You scared me" said the stranger. He also got startled.

"Who are you?" I asked him. I looked at the gate. It was closed. How did he enter? Did he jumped over the fence?

"The owner of the dog, whom you are  carrying right now" he said pointing at it.

"Oh! It is hurt. Let us take it to veterinarian" I said to him.

"What...!?" He exclaimed.

I got startled. I am on the edge at since the accident happened.

"What do you mean by what? Can't you see your puppy needs treatment?" I said squeezing my eye.

"No.. I mean that there is no need. We just need to apply some antiseptic, it's not deep"



"No but, come on"

"Ok, I will go and bring the first aid box" I said still not satisfied.

I gave the puppy to the to the boy and went inside my home to take the first aid kit.

I took the kit from the cabinet and came outside.

I saw them sitting on the bench where he was holding the dog.

"Ok then, let's treat you boy" I said taking it and sitting next to the guy.

"Wait, where is the wound ? I said surprised.

I checked all the possible places but couldn't find it. 

"What the hell?" I exclaimed seeing a small wound closing itself.

"It's closing itself !!" I said jumping from my seat. The puppy jumped from my arms.

What do think is happening ?
Stay tuned to find out !! 😉

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