Chapter 1

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"Damn, I am late, late, late. Today, she is literally going to kill me. I am dead today. Oh god, save me!" I exclaimed horrified and looking onto the the clock. It's 6PM .

Now, you must be wondering what's the fuss is about? Let me get this straight, its a party. A party! You must be like what is a great deal about it anyway? I know, I know, but this party is something I couldn't afford to reach late, it's her birthday.

Hey, I am talking about my best friend's birthday here. She is in the town for few days before her vacation is over. She studies in New York, you know after she got her scholarship in fashion designing. When I came to know about it, I was very happy for her. That was the best thing. Even though I was happy, I could not hide my sadness about her leaving us. I cried my eyes out but it was for her best. We're were always together since birth. What's more exciting is that my parents and hers were best friends since college. Naturally, we also became friends. We did every single thing together. We are sisters. So, to compensate me she visits us every four months. Her dream is to open her very own boutique in the hometown. Mind you, our town is in one of the famous places you see. It's the heart of our city.

So as I was saying...

"Honk honk!!!"

"Coming. coming just a second" I shouted through the open window. I took a look a last look in mirror before hurriedly going down the stairs where I almost lost my footing.

Yes, this is Ava for you. Hi! I am Ava, a 20 year old clumsy girl and aspiring to become a great cop. Ironic right? But don't worry I'll overcome it soon. Helpful when she wants to be. Saying Yes to everyone even if she doesn't want, is her forte.

"Bye Mamma!!" I called to my mom while putting my shiny black stilettoes on.

"Bye sweetie! Enjoy and don't forget to wish Anna from my side" She replied back from the kitchen.

"I will! Bye! See you later!" I replied back.
I opened and then closed the front door and went running towards the car and jumped inside it.

"We are late idiot. So much for a surprise!!" Said my other best friend Noah.

Meet Noah. A 21 year old blonde guy with a charming attitude (note my sarcasm.) Can do anything for someone he love. Basically a best friend of mine and a boyfriend of Anna. Since they shared the same dream, they ended up together. Well, we became friends in high school.

Seeing these two together sometimes, mind you, sometimes, makes me jealous. I feel like, I should also have someone in my life. So, I can actually spend some time with him instead of day dreaming about a imaginary boyfriend.

"I am sorry. You know it got late because.....I was finishing the last minute decorations, thanks to someone" I said shooting daggers at him.

"Right! I know, I shouldn't have left you to do it alone. If I didn't have to go and buy the cake, thanks to someone who forgot to order one" said Noah mimicking me.

"It's ok. No need to thank me. Let's hurry off before Anna arrives and kill us"

"Yeah Yeah" said Noah pressing on the gas and off we went to our destination.

Dear silent readers, I know most of you don't like to comment/vote but it means a lot to me since your 1 sec could the raise this story in wattpad and be known to other people, it makes me feel as if my hard work is reaching out to you guys! so please kindly vote and comment!

So, this is the first chapter for you .
I hope you liked it.

Stay tuned for following exciting chapters!!

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