Chapter 4

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I opened the door to see Anna and Noah waiting for me?

"What are you guys doing here? Anyway, did you saw a guy coming out of the door?" I said pointing the door.

"What? No...I saw no one. Anyway, we heard screaming. Are you okay?" Anna asked me examining me from top to bottom.

"I am fine. But are you sure you didn't saw anyone coming out of it?"



"But who are you looking for? Did you meet some guy here" Anna asked me her eyes twinkling.

"It's time that you come out of your shell" added Noah, pouring water in the fire.

"Well, I did meet some guy, but I am not telling about him to you guys" I said.

"Really? Oh my God! I was just kidding and it came true" Anna exclaimed excitedly looking at Noah.

"Oh come on, Anna. He just stopped me from going to that washroom. It's under construction."

"Are you okay? You are not hurt. Right?" Noah asked me out of concern.

I nodded .

"Your dream just got shattered. Poor Anna" I said laughing.

"Yup. Poor me" She said pretending to be dejected.

"Let's go then"

"Sure. Why did you guys come  down here?"

"Well, we came to take you" said Noah.

"Party was about to finish when you came down here in this creepy washroom" Anna said suddenly shivering.

We saw off our other friends and successfully wrapped the party.

It was a success. Yay!

We all went to the basement where our car was parked. Noah decided to drive us back to home and off we went to our destination.

We were happily chatting to each other about the party.

You know there are the times when you don't imagine about it, but something unexpected happens when you are least expecting it. This was what happened. Because of this, my whole life changed.

"Noah!! Look in front of you!" Anna suddenly yelled.

"What? Oh my god! Guys hold on tightly!" Noah screamed.

A truck was heading straight to ours. Noah swayed the car in order to not to hit it and it seems he couldn't handle it. It went zig-zag. He lost the control and hit the car to the big tree sideways.


The glass shattered. Front was damaged. Something fell hard on the back of the car. It was heavy.

And then everything became black......

Uh-oh. They got into an accident what do you think will happen now?

Stay tuned to find it 😉

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