Chapter 11

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"Are you sure this is where that warehouse is?" I asked him.

"Yes. I am pretty sure. I heard the officers talking about it" He replied.

Two and half hours earlier -

"You said your bo... I mean you found yourself in an abandoned warehouse right?" I asked.

He nodded in confirmation.

"Then let's check that place out" I said.


We were on the other side of Blackville woods. The other, other side was said to be haunted. Well, there is a graveyard.

"Stick close to me. You don't want to get lost here" Nick said to me.

We went through through small trail, on and on, left and right when we came across the warehouse that was almost in ruins.

Since, the door was taped with caution tape, we couldn't enter it. We went behind the warehouse, where there was an open window enough for us to enter. Nick helped me up and we went through it.

Our footsteps echo surrounded us. It's really creepy in here.

"Umm...Nick will you ok? If it's hard...."

"No I am fine" he replied.

He took me to the spot where he was found. Luckily, no officers were around. It would be easy for us now.

We checked around but found nothing important.

Suddenly, Woofy started barking.

"Shush Woofy! Don't bark" whispered Nick while picking it up.

But it jumped out of his arms and started barking near the fireplace.

"Calm down boy!"

I checked at the place where it was barking and something caught my eyes.

"Wait, what is it?" I said picking up a chip.

"It looks like a memory card" He said looking at the chip.

"Woah? This might be helpful. Who do you think it belongs too ? Killer or you?" I said moving towards the window from where we came.

Nick's POV

We took the bus  from the bus station after ten minutes of walking. We were on our way home.

"Sir! Could please stop here?" Ava called to the driver out of the blue.

"Why did you ask the driver to stop the bus?" I asked confused.

"I have something to do here which might be helpful to us" She replied back.

"Were are we going?" I asked.

"Just follow me"

We stepped out of the bus and crossed the intersection. I could see a building.


I was confused as what was going on but had an idea. We went inside.

"Good morning officer Joe!" Ava said to a police officer who stood up startled at her voice. He was taking a nap.

"Goodmorning! How can I help you? Ava! How come you are here?" He asked now fully awake.

"I was in the town and just thought to visit you guys. By the way where is Detecive Michael?" She asked him.

"He must be in his cabin busy working" He replied back.

"Ok thanks" Ava replied back going through the corridor.

Ava's POV

Knock! Knock!

"Come in" a voice came from the cabin.

I peeked inside and said  "Hello Uncle Michael. How Are you?"

"Oh Ava! what a surprise! How come you are here" He asked me.

"I had some work in the town decided to give you a visit" I replied sitting on the chair.

"Oh that's great! So, how is your classes going?" He asked.

"The holidays are going on you know" I replied.

"Uh yes. Make your holiday productive" he said.

You don't know how productive it's going to be I thought aloud

"Did you said something?" He again asked.

"No. By the way, I heard that our neighbour's son was murdered"I asked him

"Yes, poor fellow. So, this is why you came to meet me" He asked with a knowing face.

"Busted" I said meekly.

"Sorry, Ava there is no information to share right now" he said.

"But I have something which might be helpful or maybe not" I said holding the evidence bag.

"Ava, did you visit the crime spot and peeked around?" He said getting angry. 

"Yes and I am sorry. But you know I can't help it and on top of that I found something that you guys could not find it" I said slowly.

"Ava!! this is the last time I am sparing you. Don't do it next time" He said holding out his hand for the evidence bag

"No, this time I also want to get involved in it. Next year, I'll join your department. I promise, I won't interfere. But, please let me be on the case. I could be of your help somehow. You know I could"

"Ava"he said sighing. "I know you are capable. But, this is something you can't get involved in. I am sorry dear, but I promise, if I need your help, I'll call you.

"But, good job"

"Fine" I said handing him the bag looking dejected. I already knew he won't allow me but also.

There was a knock on the door.
"Captain, chief is asking for you" an officer announced.

"Good timing Alen. Take this and check for the fingerprint and the contents inside. Hurry. This is important. Now, Ava if you will excuse me" Uncle Michael answered looking at me.

"Yes sir!" He said giving a salute.

"Sure. I'll just use the washroom" I said to him.

He nodded and went to his way.

All this time Nick was looking at me incredulously.

"Nick, keep a lookout outside. Warn me, if anyone is coming or not" I said hurriedly going through the papers on his desk.

"What are you trying to do ?" Nick asked me.

"When, I entered the room, I saw uncle going through your files. I just want to  click some pictures and will go through it at home"

"There must be something important that he lied to us and won't allow you to join" Nick said

"I too feel that. There must be more to your case" I said while clicking pictures.


Its been a long time since I wrote .

I hope u like this Chapter!!

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