Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes. It was dark. But some sort of light did shone somewhere. Oh those are candles. I blinked few times before fully opening it.

I couldn't move. Why? I looked sideways, my hands were tied by rope on both side of poles. However I tried maybe in a hope that it might get loose. But it was futile.
Where was I? How many hours have been passed? No one would be able to find me. Am I going to die?

All sorts of thoughts were running in my mind. How will they find me?

Wait, I forgot I have a wrist watch. I looked at my hands. I think it's been 30 minutes since I lost my consciousness. That means I have not left the premises.
Is it the temple? Yes, it's the temple.

With the little light emitting I could see some kind of statue. Yes! It is definitely a temple.

"How is it?" A voice resonated through the room.

A cold air suddenly blew giving me chills. He came in front of me. I could see him clearly.

"Ava, don't you remember me? At first I had to agree to this guy's request but not anymore. I can kill as much as I want to become more stronger and stable"

"I don't, but I'll definitely remember it now. As all bad things come to end you will soon be removed from this world. I'll make sure to do that. You have given too much pain to others. It is your turn now" I said giving him a deadly look.

"Oh! You will do that? How? No one can touch me. I already killed him" he said

No, you did not do it. No I don't believe it. He is not dead.

"Craig Shepherd" I hissed.

You are a psychopath. People like you only deserves death. You can not be loyal to any one if you can't be loyal to your family. Because of you maniac, many lives were lost. You slaughtered your own family. Eventhough your victims will get justice late but they will get it. I can assure you that"

"Sure let's see what you can do. Because of you I had to live painfully. Fortunately, I found someone to get my revenge. Today I'll get it. No one can stop me" he said giving me a sadistic smile.

My heart came to my mouth. This is not what I wanted. Nick, uncle where are you? I can't die in the hands of a ghost. God, help me! As the time passed I was getting desperate.

"Tell me how should I kill you? Mutilation? Stab you too death. No no, that won't be any fun. I'll take your powers first"

He dropped the knife. He came towards me. Giving me a sickening smile, he grabbed my throat. I started struggling. He jerked back with good amount of force.

"So, that bitch gave you her protection huh? But nevermind" He opened his palm and closed his hands. My bracelet broke into pieces.

"It was easy"

He grabbed my neck. I felt as if my energy was being drained out. I struggled but it was off no use. The time I felt I was going to die. Suddenly, someone broke the door. My vision was blurry. He dropped his hands and looked the way of entrance.

"Ava! Kiddo!"

I could hear familiar voices. My vision started becoming clear. Nick! Uncle! You are finally here.

"You! How are you here? Anyway, it's a good thing. Today you will all die"

And then the hell broke out. Uncle came to my rescue. He cut of the ropes with the knife he always carries around. I stumbled but gained strength.

After much struggle Nick and the priest finally tied him to the chair.

"Priest Mason please start your exorcism. It won't hold him much longer" Nick said.

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