Chapter 12

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Unknown Man's POV

"He should not have been there. It's his fault that he was present there. It was his fault, his only. Why did he have to be there? Idiotic fellow.

Doesn't he know it's dangerous to meddle in others work. It's his fault, his fault! I didn't do anything" Murmered the man while shaking and covering his ears to forget the haunting memories that were resurfacing.

A women in her mid twenties is sleeping on a bed with broken arm supported by books to level it up. A boy of 9 years old covered with bruises on his cheeks, arms was tiptoeing softly so as not to wake up the women. But one couldn't stop something from happening. While looking for something to eat, he mistakenly dropped the lid of the cooking pot. causing a loud crash to echo around. The boy stood still, trembling with fear. His eyes fixed on the sleeping form of women, afraid he might have woken her up. The fear, the pain and all kind of mixed emotions could be seen in his eyes. Thinking the women did not woke up, he looked for the other cooking pot, for he was famished. He did not eat for two days. The hunger was became unbearable. He froze in the middle of searching. He turned back to see the women standing in front of him with no sign of expression showing at all on her face. He was cowering in fear. The women was pale looking with dark circles around her eyes, hair unkempt and dirty. The boy took started moving backward. His legs gave away. He prayed and begged her. "Please! Please! I am sorry, I won't do it again. Let me go! I don't want to be in it. Its scary and dark." He cried out in desperation. But the women did not said a word, instead went to the cupboard and took out the big bag. She grabbed his arms tightly and shouted "Shut up! Stop making noise! This is your punishment! You brat! You are becoming evil! Everyone says that! You are a child of evil! If I don't teach you a lesson who will do it? Huh? I have to protect you from this world and the other world! I don't want you to end up like your father! Understand? Huh?" She forced the boy in the bag and dragged it to the cupboard. She took out the stick and started beating it. The boy cried and shouted but women didn't stop. Finally, the cries subsided.

Calming himself, after several minutes passed out, he stepped out of the small cabinet and he went to storeroom. He switched on the lights and pressed the button behind the the switchboard. The spot behind the mirror slowly turned away, revealing a room. He went inside the room and switched on the light. It was the red light. The wall was full of pictures. Women in their mid twenties. Pictures of their laughing, while working. All kind of angles. On left side of the room, was the equipment for developing pictures. On the right side was a large fridge looking like. He opened it. It was for preservation. There were the boxes. Inside the boxes were the parts of body that was preserved. You name it. Hands, ears, feet, toe, eyes, finger with something written on top of it. Total of 6 body parts were present there. He was smiling. A satisfied, sadist smile that can give the chills to the bone. He was the living nightmare. He closed the cabinet. Switched of the light. Pressed the button and slowly watched the door to secret room close.

Satisfied, he came to the room. He took out the mobile phone from his pocket . He already took out the SIM and broke it into two halves on his way home. He realized the memory card was missing. He knew that it was not found by the cops. He was not sure about the contents in it, for he had not given him the chance. He have to get back to the place to retrieve it. Even if does not contain anything. Better be safe then sorry. How could he miss it? This was a mistake, a big mistake.

Woah! This guy is insane . Don't u think so ?




Exciting chapters are on the way !!

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