Chapter 3

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"Ahhh...What the-?" I shrieked terrified of what I was seeing in front of me.

The face, it was something I couldn't describe. It was melting with blood pouring out of one eye. The sides were shrunken and swollen. One word- horrifying.

"Leave me, leave !! Help! Help!" I screamed.

(Let me tell you something. I know how to defend myself but this long tight-fitted gown is not helping me. Why did I have to wear it?)

"Shh! I am not a monster" The monster said. He covered my mouth with one hand and took out the mask with other hand. I gave him a kick in the shin that I am sure he won't ever forget.

Right now, I might have been totally red faced, surely the smoke must be coming out of my ears. I was so angry. Ok, that is descriptive. But I am angry, like very. My heartbeat was running at the speed of a leopard chasing its prey.

"Shit women!! Ouch! ouch!" he cried hopping like a frog. It looked ridiculous.

"Who are you? And why did you grab me?"

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just going to stop you from going in there" he said pointing towards the door to women's washroom.

"Why?" I said eyeing him skeptically.

"Check out, what's written in front of it"


Since it was not lit properly, I had to use my cell phone to check it out .

Do not enter -Danger
Under construction

"This so freaking annoying" I muttered under my breath.

"Anyway, thank you, but never do that again" I held my cell phone to make light. Now, I could see his face clearly.

His eyes were striking green in colour. Hair was pointed in different direction, as if he had been given a shock and he was wearing a weird costume. The shirt was dyed blood red coloured. Two gaping holes were made to make it look as if he has been stabbed. He was also wearing bandages on his wrist and forehead. Weird costume.

"It's ok. At least I could save you" he said in low voice.

"Ok then, but by the way what have you been dressed up as ? I asked him.

"Oh this? I have been dressed up as a man who got into the accident.  Accurately, killed by some lunatic. I am a dead ghost" he said showing the gaping holes.

"Halloween is around the corner you know. So, a party is being held upstairs" He answered me.

I could feel that he was proud of his creation.

"That's some unique costume you know. No one would have thought about it" I said to him.

"I know right. I guess, I think differently" he said grinning.

"You sure do" I said laughing.

"Wait. In all of this, I forget to ask your name" he suddenly asked me.

"I am Ava"

I was distracted by the loud voices outside the door. I neared the door but remembered that I didn't asked his name.

"Oh by the way what's you-" I turned look behind me and guess what I saw no one. I am not kidding. No one.

"What the hell? Did he pass by me? He sure is fast

"Oh the door is opened. So, he is fast" I muttered.

I opened it wide to see.....

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