Chapter 8

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"You were in the party who came out of nowhere"
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

At first he looked surprised, then confused. Suddenly, he held his head tightly in his hands.

"Ahh" he cried.

"Are you ok? Hey?"

Then about a minute later, he came around. He looked pale. Wait, who I am kidding? He is already pale looking.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes. It happens when I remember something"

Then the realization came to him and he changed from pale to little red.

"You are blushing! Yes you should. Because of you my heart almost came out. Agh! But thank you for that" I said.

"What was I doing there?" He thought aloud.

"I am sorry about last time. I just wanted to stop you from going in. I was going to do it softly in case you don't get sacred but I got startled when you shouted at me"

"About how I ended up there? I don't remember. I don't know, how I reached there" He said after failing to remember about that.

"You were attending a Halloween party at that time" I reminding him.

"Oh, you see at first I didn't even remembered anything only my name. Unless some incidents or something familiar happens, I then get to remember about it" He said looking dejected.

"That's why I need your help. I was shocked at first but when I saw you holding the are my only hope" he said to me pleading with his eyes.

(I can't believe I am going to help a ghost. A Ghost. A adventurous way to use my holiday. At least, I won't be bored. Let's stay optimistic Anna.)

"By the way I am Ava." I said

"And you are ?"

"I am Nick" he replied.

"That means you are willing to help me? Thank you so much Ava!"

"Hmm, then Nick we will talk about  this mission tomorrow.  I am going to get some sleep. See you in the morning" I said to him.

"Sure, ok" he said and started to settle down on the chair.

"Ahm! Excuse me. You are not going to rest here? Are you?"

"Yes, If you don't mi... 

"I mind" I said. ( Ghost or not)

"I am kidding. Fine. I'll see you in the morning" He said happily.

"Okay. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" he replied and started to open my door.

"Wait, why are opening the door ? You can jump from my window can't you ?"

"I can't do that, I'll break my leg" He said

"You are a ghost" I said rolling my eyes

"You won't break it."

"But I can't fly"

"Mr. Ghost, if you have forgotten, my room is downstairs. You won't break your leg, if you jump out if the window"

"Oh, I forgot about that. Goodnight! I'll see you tomorrow" he said jumping out of my window.

What a cheerful ghost he is!

I switched off the light and prepared myself for the sleep. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Soon, I became dead to the world.

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