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Cassidy 👆


I ran as fast as my five foot three legs would take me down the wet, smelly cave corridor as I heard my little brother screaming. I beeline my way down the corridor to get closer to Jeremy. I had to get to Jeremy.


I turned a corner in the cave only to run into someone knocking me back. I coughed as I felt the pain shoot up my back to the back of my head. I lifted my head questioningly to see a exact replica of myself standing before me with an evil, cynical smile on her face.

"You can't save him, Cassidy, face it. You're nothing."

She sped away as we heard footsteps echoing down the corridor. I took a deep breath as I scrambled up to my feet to run down the corridor to get to Jeremy. I heard a scream that I knew belonged to my older sister.

Somehow my running had sped up but of course not to the speed of the vampires. I turned a corner and dreaded having reached this destination.


"Hey, Cass, wake up!" I shake my head as I open my eyes to come face to face with my little brother. "I'm here. I'm right here," he states calmly as I lie there looking up at the ceiling feeling the thin layer of cold sweat covering my skin. Jeremy let out a sigh as he got up from the bed to exit my room to go back to I had assumed Elena downstairs.

My name is Cassidy Gilbert and I am the middle child out of the Gilbert kids. I favor my sister's hair but my brother and I share eyes. The three of us live on our own now that we no longer have a legal guardian to watch over us. We had Aunt Jenna after our parents had died going off a bridge - the same one Elena my sister went off of with our friend Matt.

In result of that tragic accident, Elena died and became a vampire.

Crazy I know.

My brother on the other hand is this vampire hunter. He has the Hunter's Mark and everything. It's quite crazy to be honest.

Then there's me. I'm nothing. I'm just a little human being that has no purpose to anything that goes on here in Mystic Falls, but this little not so quiet town is my home. I could never imagine leaving it.

My sister and I are dopplegängers though but that isn't the point. It doesn't give me some special power or anything. It just means I'm a little clone of somebody from way back in like the 1800s. Not accurate but it's just the point.

Hanna Pierce is her name. Looks just like me but she acts nothing like me. Or is it I look just like her but act nothing like her? I don't know but the point is is we are nothing alike.

I walk out of my small (but perfect for me) room to the staircase where I walk downstairs to a manly voice I heard. Did I forget to mention? I suffer from terrible nightmares and past memories that make them seem so real and like I'm there. Sometimes I know I'm just dreaming but sometimes I forget I am and forget it isn't real or that it already happened.

I make it down the staircase and turn to my right to see a back standing in the kitchen. The owner of that back was none other than Stefan Salvatore. He has been in our lives for a few years now always helping us with things that go down hill. Well, let me rephrase that, he's always helping Elena.

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