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I walked inside the house hearing a video game being played in the living room as I confusedly walked in the door way of the room. Jeremy turned around and looked at me then grew curious when he noticed my confused state.

"Uh .. Cass, you okay?" he questioned as he stood up from the couch. I gave a slow nod but then began shaking my head slowly.

"Is it weird that I have no clue what happened for about ten minutes of the time I was making me way over here?"

"Do you remember meeting anyone?" he got this serious look plastered on my face and I knitted my brows. What did he mean did I remember meeting someone? I think I would remember if I had met someone on the way home. That's kinda the whole stranger situation they teach you in school when you're a little kid.

"I think I would remember meeting someone, Jer," I laughed lightly then thought about something then looked at my wrist to see nothing on it. I purse my lips as I looked back up to Jeremy. "Is this what it feels like to be compelled?"

"I'm thinking that's what happened. Someone compelled you to forget about something. Might have to do with that cut on your arm there," Jeremy pointed at the cut that was on my arm from slipping off the steps at Stefan and Damon's. I began to think of what reasons why someone would make me forget about something to do with a little cut on my arm. I couldn't come up with a single reason merely because it didn't make any sense.

"That doesn't really make any sense, Jer," I muttered as I made my way over to the couch grabbing the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table as I sat down. I looked at the screen to see he had the famous Call of Duty on the screen paused. I laughed softly. "I see you've pulled out Call of Duty."

"I was bored," he laughed sitting down beside me. I smiled as he picked up the controller to unpause the game and went back to playing it. I laughed here and there before turning around looking outside the window slowly chewing on the popcorn in my mouth.  I looked to the other side passed Jeremy to the back door. Something felt weird .. off. "You okay?"

"Yeah .. something just .. feels weird. I feel like someone is outside or something."

"Do I need to call Damon? Or Stefan?"

"Stefan's with Elena. I don't really need to see Damon right now .. " I muttered as I got up from my perch on the couch heading to the kitchen. I heard Jeremy follow me as I went to the backdoor locking it as I glance out in the backyard. I turned around seeing the uneasy look on Jeremy's face as he took in my behavior.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting weird ever since you had gotten home," he said slowly as I walked passed him to go to the windows in the living room, but he grabbed my arm before I could get all the way passed him. "I'm calling Damon."


"Did you do it?"

"I did, you have to complete the task quickly before it leaves her system."

"I know this, sweetie. I've turned vampires before."


"I heard there was some trouble with Klaus earlier today."

"Just a little bit of trouble - yes. He doesn't know I'm here now," Elijah explained calmly as he took one of Avery's hands into his own. "How did you know that?"

"Tyler told me he heard Klaus going off to one of the other hybrids about Elijah being close with some hunter girl that was "working" for him. Tyler immediately picked up on that it was me and I got my own chewing - pun unintended - out," Avery shrugged softly as she let her thumb run across Elijah's hand softly. Elijah let out a sigh.

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Hey, it's fine. I don't care what my little brother says. It's not his life," she smiles as she scoots closer to Elijah then realized something. "You should feel the same about Klaus."

"Oh, but you don't know how Niklaus can be when it comes to these sort of things. Niklaus has a power over his siblings simply he has the power to kill us if he wants to. With a single bite he can kill us."

Avery rolled her eyes in annoyance to this being said. She let out a sigh as she looked into Elijah's eyes curiously before looking away.

"Whatever happens just don't go."

"I wouldn't dare go anywhere," he smiled as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.


"Look, I called Damon and he said he thinks you're just being paranoid but said would be on his way anyway," Jeremy said in annoyance as he made his way back into the living room where I was just standing beside the stair case. I heard him stop in his tracks. "Cass .. you're acting really weird."

"I told you .. something feels off. I'm just trying to figure out why I feel so .. scared .. paranoid. Maybe I'm dreaming right now. Jer, am I having a dream?" I turned around and looked at him with a scary feeling creepy in my body. Jeremy let out a sigh as he came forward to put his hand on my bicep.

"You're definitely not dreaming right now, Cass. I'm real. Maybe everything happening right now is taking effect on you. With the Klaus thing and Katherine and Hanna. It's normal for it to happen sometimes," he shrugs softly has I heard a noise outside the house. I whipped around to look at the door hearing another sigh escape from Jeremy's lips. He was concerned and I understood that because if it were him or Elena I would super worried too. I went to take a step forward and that's when the door flew open.


"Hello, Gilberts. How's the night going?" she smiled and I noticed there was something behind her back. I knitted my brows as Jeremy took a step forward and she tisked as she shook her head. "Don't do anything stupid, Little Gilbert. I know I won't if you won't."

I tilted my head to the side before she let out an "oops" and everything happened so quickly. She whooshed forward and as she did there was a sharp pain in my abdomen and my breath got caught in my throat. I started choking as I felt the blood coming up my throat as I leaned forward with both hands on the knife she had drove through my abdomen. She smiled as she dug it deeper into my abdomen as tears began to make it to my eyes.

"Have a nice life, Cassidy," she muttered as she whooshed away. I saw Damon at the door way.

"Cassidy!" Jeremy screamed as he caught me before I could go onto my knees. He put his hands on either side of my face as I kept choking on the up coming blood. I couldn't catch my breath.

"Da - Damon," I choked as I slipped from Jeremy onto my knees. I pulled at the knife, groaning as I did so as Damon finally grasped onto the situation.

"No!" he screamed with his teeth clenched like when he would get angry. He whooshed over and helped me into his lap on the ground. Him and Jeremy hovered over me. "Jeremy, call Elena now," he moved hair out of my face and wiped the tears that were streaming my face. "Shh, shh, you're going to be okay. It's going to be okay. Here, stay with me," he bit his wrist and put it to my lips but I shook my head pulling away from it. I kept my lips sealed so he couldn't let a single drop getting passed my lips.

"Oh my god, Cassidy!" I heard Elena as I continued to gasp for air to get to my lungs. She started crying heavily as she took me from Damon's arms into her own. It was like when Jeremy was drained of his blood with Silas.

"Did you try to heal her, Damon?" I heard Stefan's soft voice and I looked up at him. Black dots were dancing in my vision and Damon nodded but shook his head at the same time his sad look on his face as his brows went up. I saw the realization on Stefan's face. "She wouldn't accept it," he whispered.

I gripped onto Elena's arm weakly as the black dots turned into black blotches then eventually .. everything was dark and the last thing I heard was Elena scream.

xXxXx xXxXx

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