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"Look, we tried our ways like we said we would and none of them worked. We need your help and being that she is sired to you you're the only one she will listen to," Elena explained as she stayed near Damon and away from the Original. I took a shaky breath as I kept my eyes on Elijah and kept my hearing from listening to Avery and Stefan talk in the kitchen.

"How did the animal blood take affect?"

"It doesn't matter," I took in a breath as I looked amongst the three of them. "I just need a way to feed without killing people. Right now, my feeding method isn't getting me to a good boat or any good situation with people. Especially you're little girlfriend, so to keep from having like my best friend or someone murdered, help me. Please. I'm begging you, Elijah," I looked at him with a pleading look in my eyes as I took a step toward him.

"I did agree I would be your last resort," he wetted his lips as he locked his hands behind his back. "However, you can't go against my sayings after have already teaching you."

"She won't be able to physically go against your words, Elijah. It's a sire bond," Damon let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever you want her to do she's going to do. It's how it works."

His tone in his voice sounded a little annoyed and I had to sneak a look in his direction. He had to calm down because he could blow his whole cover with trying to show how much he cared. He could ruin his relationship with Elena and the relationship I have with Elena.

"How about," Avery walked out of the kitchen followed by Stefan with a small wooden stake in her hand. "We just kill her. That sounds like a better plan. That way we don't have to worry about her just Ripper-ing her way through Mystic Falls."

"Or, darling," Elijah quickly stopped her by taking the stake from her hand. "We don't kill anyone and I work with her. I promise I will get her away from the Ripper. As Stefan knows, putting the Ripper to rest doesn't mean that it's completely gone. It can be triggered in the future but I will absolutely try my hardest to make that difficult. I do promise, Avery."

Avery gave me a death glare and as the famous saying goes - if looks could kill I would be dead. I looked to Damon then back to Elijah.

"I just need help."


"What the hell were you thinking?"

Elena stormed into my room as I was writing in my journal, stopping me in mid cursive writing of the word 'know'. I looked up at her to see the anger written clear on her face. I could feel it radiating off of her.

"What are you talking about?" I knitted my brows as I noticed Jeremy had ran up the stairs with a concerning look on his face. She must've stormed in the house. I wasn't paying any attention.

"Don't play that game with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I look at her curiously as I noticed her frustration was making tears form in her eyes. I looked over her shoulder at Jeremy then back to my sister's eyes to try and read them. I couldn't figure out anything right now. I didn't understand what was going on.

"How are you going to take the one person that has kept me held together, Cassidy?"

Oh no.

He didn't.

"I had to break up with him, Cassidy, I had to because he decided he wanted to talk something out with me and guess who it was about?"

He did.

"Elena, I - "

" - No, don't talk to me. I don't even want to see you around here. I'm so angry with you, Cassidy. You don't understand. Whatever pain you get, Cassidy, is the pain you deserve."

"Elena, you can't just kick her out .. " Jeremy trailed as he stepped into the room. The hurt I was feeling in my chest from the way she was treating this caught me by surprise. I knew I deserved her anger though.

"She can, Jeremy, and she is," I stood up off of my bed as I gathered my journal in my hands. "I never wanted to hurt you, Elena, and I want you to know whatever he told you he started it. It was all him. He did it."

"I don't believe you, Cassidy," she said through clenched teeth as her tears began to fall down her face worse. Jeremy went to grab my bicep but I snatched my arm away as I looked into his eyes angrily.

"She made her choice, Jer. I'm leaving," I looked to my sister angrily as she started crying worse. I collected a bag from my closet and began to put small necessities into it.


"How did 'breaking the Ripper from a new born' go today?"

Elijah looked up to see his little sister standing in the doorway of the room he was staying in. He knitted his brows in a curious manner before trying to hide the look he had on.

"Oh, don't try to hide it, brother. Avery vents a lot about the Gilbert situation you have."

"You talk to her?" he suddenly got angry with his sister. He had a sudden rage form inside of him. He never liked the idea of Klaus or Rebekah talking to Avery. He knows how manipulative they can be.

"I'm not going to kill her, Elijah. I'm not trying to have problems with you or with Tyler because let's be honest, Klaus wouldn't save me if I got bit by Tyler," Rebekah looked at her nails as she walked further into Elijah's room. "However, I want to know what possessed her to be with you."

"I didn't know anything to her but simply make her fall in love with me. I want you and Niklaus to stay away from her."

"And if we don't?"

"You both will suffer the consequences," he stated bluntly.

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