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"Stefan, maybe animal blood won't work. I didn't work for Elena."

"Listen to me, Cass, it's like going in for a human. You go in for the neck, right? Well, just go in for the neck on the deer," Stefan explained calmly as we had our eye set on a deer in the distance. I could hear the pulse of the deer from where we were.

"That's only because of the sire bond, Damon. You told her it wouldn't work so she believed it wouldn't work," Stefan shrugged softly as he threw the rugged football to his brother across the room. "I mean, what other methods could we really try? We gotta pull her from human blood now while we have the chance. We don't want the Ripper to increase."

"Just go to it like it were a human? That's it?" I looked to Stefan calmly yet with such panic coursing through my I could barely see straight. He nodded slowly as I licked my lips feeling the hunger creep its away to the surface. I whooshed over to the deer and threw my fangs into its neck, drinking the blood as it touched my tongue.

"You're right .. we don't need the Ripper to increase. I don't want her hurting herself more than hurting other people. All those dead bodies .. she can't control herself. It'll be worse than Elena and I don't .. I don't want to see her go through that. Not Cassi," Damon spoke gently as he tossed the football back to his brother. Stefan gave Damon a small like as he tightened his grip around the football.

"I did it!" I whooshed back over to Stefan as wiped my mouth off from the blood. I took just enough for myself but not enough to kill the deer completely. Stefan smiled as he let a hand trail to my bicep looking into a my eyes cautiously.

"Don't feel like throwing up or anything? No reject of the blood?"

"Not from what I - "

I had suddenly gotten a rush of nausea over come me. I whooshed away from Stefan as a sharp pain made its away to my stomach. I dropped to my knees as I clutched at my stomach with a small yelp escaping. I heard Stefan come up behind me then look at me with a concerned look. The pain intensified making my yelp turn into a scream as I bent over.

"Cass? Cassidy," he gripped my arm.

"Steafan, it hur - " I twisted over letting all the substances out of my stomach. Stefan grabbed my hair as I gripped at my stomach, leaving imprints in it from my nails digging into it. Stefan let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed at my tense back. I felt my breath get caught in my throat making me throw my hand back and grip at his knee. He made me turn to him. "Stefan, I can't - " I gasped.

He let out a sigh before an apology then everything went black after a loud creak was heard.


"I'm telling you - she was screaming in pain and clutching her stomach. She started puking everything up. It was worse than when Elena tried animal blood."

"But the only reason Elena reacted to it the way she did was because of the sire bond with Damon," Caroline explained as she had her arms crossed over her chest. She was look down at Cassidy before looking back up to the brothers and Elena. "How was she acting around Elijah?"

"She was very .. intrigued. You aren't trying to suggest there's a sire bond going on here, are you?" Damon had a disgusted look grow onto his face with an annoyed tone in his voice. "I - we," he quickly corrected himself. "We really don't have time to break another sire bond."

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