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I took a huge gasp of air as I shot up from the lying down position I was in on my bed. All of these moments in my life that I didn't know happened from the time the Salvatores had entered started pouring into my head along with other things. I gripped at my head with a small groan before looking to the chair beside my bed noticing someone was occupying it.


He jolted awake then got a confused look all over his face.

"Yooouuuu are suppose to be dead," he drew out the "you" as he began to look concerned. "My blood didn't go passed your lips, Cassi. Why are you alive?"

"What .. what are you talking about?" I muttered as I lay my arm across my stomach feeling the uncomfortable feeling of hunger. "I'm so hungry."

With that statement something hit from when Elena woke up as a vampire. She was ungodly hungry and everything felt like it does now. I can hear every little thing. I can hear the light bulb buzzing on the lamp beside my mirror. I can smell the exact smell of the raw hamburger meat downstairs in the refrigerator.

"Damon, am I .. " I trailed off as I gripped at my mouth with my eyes shut tight. I heard Damon let out a sigh as he got up and pulled me into his chest. I could hear the blood flowing through his veins making me more hungry.

"You are, Cassi, but who turned you? Who's blood did you drink?" he pulls back from me then gives me a curious look as one hand goes to my temple holding it. I let out a breath as I heard footsteps - more like stomps - running up the steps.

"Elijah," I muttered as I saw Stefan in the doorway. I seriously thought it was going to be Elena. Damon stood up this time with an unbelievable look on his face. I looked up at him curiously about to get up but I had a feeling creep on my arm that felt like my whole arm was going to catch on fire. I started screaming as Stefan whooshed over putting himself around me to block my body from the sun.

I took deep breaths as I leaned into Stefan, gripping at his shirt as I curled up. I can't live like this. I didn't want this.

"I didn't want this, Stefan. I didn't want this," I started sobbing against his chest as I noticed Damon's concerned look before he left the room. Stefan ran his hand over my hair as he rocked us back and forth.



"What does he want?" Avery whispered as she stood up behind Elijah hiding herself slightly. Elijah looked at the doorway for his brother to come waltzing through and once he did he had the angriest look.

"Tell me the meaning of my dopplegänger situation, big brother, right now," Klaus looked at Elijah in the eye angrily then took a glance behind Elijah at Avery. "I see you didn't keep to what we talked about."

"Niklaus, what dopplegänger situation are you talking about? I certainly don't know where Katherine is."

"Wrong dopplegänger, Elijah," Klaus's patience was running thing with his older brother. Elijah then got a look of realization on his face.

"Hannabella, brother?"

"Cassidy, Elijah, Cassidy. She woke up a VAMPIRE," Klaus screamed making Avery jump and grip onto Elijah's wrist. Elijah moved his hand to rub soothingly on Avery's as he looked at his brother unbelievably.

"How did that happen?"

"You tell me, Elijah! How did my dopplegänger get turned into a vampire!" Klaus roared.

Elijah stayed quiet as he and his brother exchanged looks with one another. Klaus huffed before going to leave the room, pushing down the coat rack roughly as he did so. Elijah let out a breath as he turned around to look at Avery, pushing hair behind her ear as he did.

"Did you turn Cassidy into a vampire?" she questioned quietly. Elijah stayed quiet for a few seconds before shaking his head softly.

"I did not."


I sat on the couch as Damon grabbed my hand to slip on the ring Bonnie made for me. I gave him a small smile as I let a shaky breath escape passed my lips. He looked up at me as he let his thumb rub across the ring.

"You're gonna make it through this, Cassi. It's about as easy as driving."

"I didn't drive very well at first, Damon," I let out a small laugh as he smiled at me.

"But with practice you got better. With practice you'll be just fine with this vampire thing."

As he talked, I felt my stomach growl again and the hunger feeling getting stronger and stronger. I gave him a small nod as he got up and made his way to the kitchen where I had assumed Elena was. She was probably trying to make him apologize for whatever she needed him to apologize for. That or she had to find some way to get her jealous anger out so she was going to do it through words to Damon.

I heard a very loud ticking noise in my head making me look up at the clock on the wall. I let out a shaky breath as my gums began to throb and feel like they were being ripped open. I held my breath as one hand made its way to my temple and the other to my mouth. My finger slipped into my mouth as it rubbed at my gum soothingly. I blinked softly as I heard voices in the kitchen at a low whisper talking about me.

I heard something about feeding and that "she needs to know how to properly" and "it's okay, Stefan, she won't be like you" and "well, we need to get her fed before she waits too long and dies" and at the mention of feeding I got hungrier.

Next thing I knew I wasn't in the house anymore and I remember hearing Stefan shout my name before I got completely away. I was standing in an alleyway where a drunk guy was stumbling out of the backdoor of a bar. He smiled at me coming over to me and placed his hand on my hip. I pushed it off as my eyes adverted to his neck. I could hear the blood coursing through his veins and that's when my breath started picking up.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he smiled trying to touch me again. I pushed his hands away as I gripped his shoulders and slammed my teeth into his neck as I heard his breath get caught in his throat.

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