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Katherine returned to our bar stools with a bottle of bourbon in hand as she had compelled the bartender to tell her where the hidden bottles were. She wanted to prevent us from swallowing vervain because apparently New Orleans liked to expose the vampires.

Katherine apparently knew a lot about how things were down here in New Orleans.

"Bottoms up to living our pathetic, miserable lives on edge?" Katherine offered me a shot glass of bourbon. I smiled as I greatly took the small glass slowly turning my smile into a smirk as the both of us downed the bourbon.

We both immediately twisted around on our stools and threw up the bourbon we attempted to swallow hearing our skin sizzle as the bourbon made contact with our chins. We were a coughing mess as we gripped at our throats.

It was the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life. It felt like someone got boiling hot water and forced it down my throat then my throat was burning up and all the skin was coming off of it. I gasped as I gagged some more, spitting up more before leaning back up as the same time as Katherine. We both looked to each other slowly with miserable looks before looking to the people in the bar seeing them all looking at the both of us.

"Katerina and Hannabella Petrova?"

We both looked over (why I answered to Hannabella, I have no idea) to see who the owner of the voice was. We didn't see an owner to the voice until we both got shot with wooden bullets in our necks. I choked on air as I sped out of the bar across the street and leaning against the building. I dug the bullet out of my neck as I looked to the bar angrily.

"Stupid hunters," Katherine groaned as she threw the bullet across the street. The same hunter came out of the bar and spotted us. We sped down the street only to run into someone knocking the both of us back. I looked up to see a certain suited, centuries old vampire.

"Oh no," Katherine grimaced up at the Original.


"So have we decided how we're gonna turn her humanity back on? We gonna just starve her to death and lock her in the cellar?" Damon stood with his back leaning against the back of Stefan's car as Stefan pumped gas as they were in Mississippi.

Stefan looked up to the older vampire ignoring the slight smirk he had playing at his lips. He looked back to the money racing it's way up to the amount Stefan paid for (25.00$).

"That didn't work for me and it didn't work for Lily either, so no we aren't going to do that. We have to come up with something different and actually while you were in Chicago I talked to Bonnie and we have come up with a way," Stefan shook the remaining gas off of the pump before placing it back onto the stand. Damon looked to his little brother expectantly as he twisted the gas cap back onto the car.

"And that involves ... " the oldest Salvatore trailed curiously as the brothers made their ways back into the car. Stefan was having trouble telling his brother how he and Bonnie had decided to switch his best friend's humanity. It involved a fake death.

"Well, it involves a death but I'm not actually dying seeing as how Bonnie knows of a way to keep me from dying," Stefan quickly explained as he got back on the road being excited they didn't have much longer to get to New Orleans. He was ready to get his best friend back but Damon brought him from this excitement by getting upset with him.

"I'm sorry, what? That's a sick way to do that. You're her best friend."

"Damon, you killed Matt to switch Elena's humanity." Stefan stated bluntly.

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