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"Damon, you can't - "

We both heard a noise downstairs and Stefan saying hey and then footsteps coming up the stairs. We both gave each other an urgent look before I went to his closet and he shut the door rather quickly. I watched as he whooshed over to the box that he was rummaging through before and continued doing just that. I looked at the doorway to see Elena pop through with a smile on her face.

"Hey," her smile grew when her eyes landed on Damon. "What're you doing?"

"Oh, nothing," he stood in front of the box in what seemed to be a hopeful way of her not seeing it. He gave her a small smile. "What are you doing?"

"I came to see you," she spoke slowly as she tried to peer over his shoulder. I felt a round of hunger making its way to the surface and I was trying everything to keep my stomach from growling. Throwing up all that blood wasn't a good idea.

"Have you heard anything about your sister? She doing better?"

"She's not downstairs so I assume she's doing just fine. Probably out with Jeremy or something," Elena spoke. I felt my eye brows scrunch together in a more anger way than sad or upset she didn't show much caring. I never understood why Elena always dropped the topic of me when someone would ask her.

Something told me in the pit of my stomach; however, that something was going on nearby. Something to do with a certain Original that for some reason meant a lot to me. I've had this weird feeling ever since I had woken up from dying. Elena took the opportunity to go to the bathroom at this moment while her and Damon weren't talking. I'm pretty sure we all heard the door barge open downstairs with a groaning someone coming through it. I also smelt a strong sense of blood.

Control yourself, Cassidy.

I felt myself wanting to go down there but I was scared that Elena may come out of the bathroom. I couldn't hold my hunger driven self back and before I had known it, I whooshed down there after hearing Damon whisper "Cassi" angrily. Avery was on the ground in the living room with blood all over her side.

"Why didn't you take her to the hospital!" Stefan looked at Elijah with a big amount of confusion. I got where he was coming from though.

"Because people know me. I'm an Original and she is a Lockwood. It wouldn't look too good, Stefan, considering past circumstances. I didn't know where else to take her."

"Here certainly wasn't the place, Elijah," I heard Damon slowly creeping behind me. I heard Elena gasp as I couldn't take my eyes off of the blood that was seeping through Avery's shirt. I put either of my hands on my temples as I tried to back away with heavy breaths escaping. Stefan picked up on what Damon was referring to when he saw my freaked out state. "We have a newborn on the verge of becoming a Ripper, Elijah, and you knew that. You really thought here was the right place?"

"Stefan," I swallowed hardly as I looked to him with great concern. He walked over to me but I backed away from him before he could touch me. I let out a shaky breath after swallowing. "I can't - "

I had started to whoosh down to her but someone had wrapped their arms around me. I watched as Damon fed her his blood to heal her as I thrashed around in I had assumed Stefan's grip.

"Elijah, tell her to calm down."

"Stefan, I thought that wasn't being suggested," Damon looked up at his brother with a look of annoyance. He pulled his wrist from Avery's mouth whom began to come to consciousness. Stefan didn't say anything to his brother as I could tell he was giving Elijah a look by the way he kept looking between Stefan and myself.

"Suggesting what?" Elena spoke up.

"Stefan, I need blood," I pulled one arm away from Stefan whom let out an annoyed sigh.

"Elijah," he said angrily.

Elijah went around Avery's body who was now looking up at the situation. Elijah cupped my cheek which resulted in my calming down slightly as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Cassidy, dear, calm down. I need - want you to calm down. You're going to get fed soon, okay? It was just a little blood. A little blood you can't have," he spoke slowly with such calmness laced into his words. I let out a shaky breath as I felt myself give in to his words. "There. That's better."

It was quiet for a little bit as Stefan slowly released his grasp around me and Damon stood up. Elijah didn't step back as he tried to make sure I wouldn't lash out again. Then I saw Damon's expression on his face change.

"You already knew," he said quietly in realization. Elijah didn't try to play the confusion game but I did because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I knew it was likely to happen, yes," Elijah stepped back from me as he held his hand out for Avery to take. She was confused as she took his hand and slowly got off of the ground. I looked between Damon and Elijah slowly with confusion.

"Oh my god," Elena started laughing in an unbelievable tone. "Is she .. are you sired to my sister?"

"Wait, like a sire bond? Like she listens to everything you say and she's like weirdly attracted to you?" Avery looked at Elijah in disbelief. I could feel the anger begin to radiate off of her at the thought of this.

"Sort of like that, yes," Elijah didn't take his eyes off of me from what I could feel as I looked to Damon curiously. I didn't quite understand the feeling of it and I knew there were only two people in this room I could get the information from.

"Fantastic," Avery took her hand from Elijah's before storming out of the house. I jumped as she slammed the door.

"Excuse me," Elijah finally took his eyes from me, straightening his tie as he went after her.

"Are you not - " Elijah shut the door cutting off Damon. "Gonna break it .. " he muttered as he looked to Stefan, Elena and me.

"Well, this is going to be exciting, isn't it?" he gave his fake thrilled smile.

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