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"Hiya, sweetie."

She waltzed over and plopped down in the seat Stefan had previously been sitting in allowing her feet to go up then slam down on the ground. She took Stefan's glass off the table then downed it as she looked between the both of us.

"So are you dating the sister now, Stefan?"

"What are you doing here, Katherine? Where's that sister of yours?" Stefan completely disregarded Katherine's statement as he looked around the room. I took a glance behind me just for precaution.

"Don't be so worried about her, Gilbert. She isn't here so you're .. safe as you guys like to see when neither of us are around," she frowned at the empty glass as she looked behind her to see the open bottle of bourbon. She got up and went to it filling her glass with ice and a drink. "However," she turns around to look at the both of us. "I'm here and to you that feels worse than sweet Hanna being here. I don't see why though considering my sister can be a lot worse than myself. You should know that, Stefan."

"What do you want, Katherine?"

"Oh, Stef, stop being so mean to me. I'm here trying to offer my assistance to the Klaus situation at hand. I am an expert on being on the run from the famous Niklaus for five hundred years," she smiled as she downed some of the bourbon in her glass. I swallowed rather hard as I let my tongue wet my lips. I could tell deep down Stefan had an idea of what Katherine was trying to do.

"Katherine - "

" - Katherine? What the hell is she doing here?" I heard footsteps coming from the door causing me to look behind the couch because that voice belonged to my sister. If I was thinking correctly, the other pair of footsteps that are with her are Damon's. I literally felt the eye roll come from Katherine at the sound of my sister's voice as she got up from her perch in the seat. Once they turned the corner Damon and I locked eyes for a split second before breaking apart and looking back to Katherine.

"Ah, Katherine, where's Hanna, huh? Always liked her more," Damon placed his smirk on his lips as he made his way to the bourbon. She smiled at him as Elena stepped down into the living area with her arms crossed.

"Is it because she was worse than me, Damon? With her there never was an edge with Hanna. She just ..," she put a space between each of her last words before letting out a sigh. "However, I have no clue where my sister is at this moment in time."

"What do you mean by that? You guys were just here like two weeks ago! Remember, she fed off me," I shot up off of the couch as I gave her a look of disbelief. How do you lose your whole sister after two weeks of being with her? That's just rather impossible - I suppose unless you're Katherine Pierce.

"Oh my god, don't whine. You should be the happy one," Katherine rolled her eyes as she made her way over to me allowing her fingers to walk along my shoulder. She smiled as she sensed my tense state. "What is it, sweetie? Scared to be up and close with little ole me?"

I went to flinch as if to attack at her but Damon gave me a look; however, his look didn't make me hold back. I went to bring my hand up to hit her but Stefan shot up putting my arms behind my back holding me back. Katherine laughed as she backed away from me as I squirmed in Stefan's hold.

"You can't do anything me, Gilbert. You don't have the strength."


"What are you doing here, Big Brother? Come to give me a lecture?"

"Niklaus, I've come to make a proposition more than to give you a lecture; however, I do strongly disagree with how you handled the situation with the Gilbert girl," Elijah let out a small breath as he adjusted his tie to be a bit looser. He noticed Klaus let out a deep breath as he turned around from facing the fireplace.

"And what kind of proposition would that be, Elijah? Hopefully it's something I agree with this time, yeah?" He gave his small smile that said he was not going to be playing games.

"Just that you give Tyler a break from being threatened all the time and I will help you with anything that you need with. Anything, brother."

"Or how about instead of that, Elijah, you stop seeing your little hunter friend. I don't know if you remember what happened the last time one of your siblings slept around with a hunter but it didn't turn out great," Klaus threw out a secret Elijah was hoping he could keep from his siblings. He managed to keep one of his many redeveous with Katherine a secret once or twice. This one now shouldn't have gotten out.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elijah answered non-chalantly as he straightened his suit jacket out of anxiousness. Klaus smiled at the uneasy feeling he was having Elijah go through right now.

"So then it wouldn't matter if I continued to drive Tyler out of town, would it? Because you have no reason to keep Tyler in town unless it's for a reason such as for someone else. I suggest you leave her, Big brother, or I will find out why it is you're exactly so close with her," was Klaus's last words before we stormed past Elijah and out of the room.


"I know you guys just didn't invite Katherine over to talk. Care to share what you and Stefan were talking about prior?"

Damon gave me a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top. I smiled taking a small sip from the cup as I bring my legs under me. I shook my head as I licked the whip cream from my lips.

"It's not anything important."

"Nothing important or you just don't wanna fess up?" he smiled taking a sip of bourbon which made me hold my cup out. Bourbon in my hot chocolate didn't sound too bad. "You, Gilbert Child, are underage. Why else was I put on babysitting duty?"

"You are on babysitting duty because Katherine's a bitch who clearly has something planned. That is why you're stuck on babysitting duty. Jeremy's at home. Maybe I should just go home," I begin to set the cup down on the table and start to grab for my shoes. I heard him let out a sigh as he got up from his perch on the chair and walks over to me.

"That isn't what I meant," he puts a hand on my forearm as he did this my breath latched in my throat. I could tell he heard it because he began to pull away but I stopped him by moving my forearm with his hand. I looked up and locked eyes with his ice blue eyes as his hand moved up to my cheek. "Cassi - "

"Shh," I said in a low tone as my lip slipped between my teeth. He breathed against my lips making goosebumps appear on my skin. He began to lean in but I quickly stopped him and pushed away. I slipped my shoes on then ran out of the house then slipped down the stairs cutting my arm open on the railing on the vein.

I let out a shaky breath as I held my arm in my hand holding back a groan from the stinging that was erupted from the cut. As I made my way off of the Salvatore property line, Elijah appeared in front of me.

"E - Elijah, what are you .. " I trailed off as the amount of blood pouring from the vein was quite a lot. He held me up by my shoulder as he bit into his other wrist.

"You are just like your siblings. Clumsy as ever," he muttered as he threw hid wrist against my lips. "Drink." he ordered then looked into my eyes. "Forget about this meeting here and about me giving you blood."

I couldn't keep my eyes away from his eyes before nodding my head slowly.

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