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"What has been going on between you and Elena?" Jeremy filled my glass of tea up as I sat across the bar from him. Jeremy and I work at The Grill in town but never on the same shift. The owner has a probably with siblings working together because they think we will distract each other. We don't and we have proved that by being with each other at our shifts. Anyway, back to Jeremy and my conversation.

"I don't know if you've noticed, Jeremy, but Elena isn't the Elena we grew up with," I stir my tea with my straw as I keep from making eye contact with Jeremy.

"Hold that thought," Jeremy held up his index finger before running off from me. Great, even my brother can't keep a full conversation with me. I let out a sigh as continue stirring my tea with my straw as I felt a presence behind me.

"Maybe think about what she's been through?"

"That's such bullshit, Stefan, because we have been through the same things," I roll my eyes as I now take a sip from my drink while Stefan takes it upon himself to sit with me.

"You're not a vampire. That's something you haven't been through," He waved down another waitress asking for a drink then began to sip on that small glass of bourbon.

"Why do you still defend her, Stefan?" I flutter my eyes in his direction annoyingly as he sat there and defended her for the millionth time. She didn't love him anymore. She hurt him. She's done everything humanly horrible to him and yet he's still defending her. "She doesn't love you anymore, Stefan. You can't keep them away from each other. They are so inseparable it isn't even funny. She has Damon so tightly wrapped around her finger he's an idiot." I muttered the last sentence angrily and Stefan was giving me a concerned look.

"Are you - "

But he was cut off by his brother taking a seat on the other side of me. I rolled my eyes, fluttering them in his direction at the same time.

"Speak of the devil. Where's your lost puppy?"

"Elena? She's at our lovely manor throwing a fit to Caroline about how much of a "bitch her oh so sweet little sister" is. I had to leave her nagging," he stole Stefan's drink by leaning all across me getting in my space. I let out a breath as he leaned back up looking at me with those questioning eyes.

Those piercing .. beautiful .. bright .. and beau - whoa, Cassidy, whoa.

"Cassidy?" I heard Stefan mutter.

"I - uh - we probably shouldn't let Elena see us together or let someone see us and tell Elena," I said in a quick breath as I pushed my more than half full cup of tea away. I slid off my chair as Jeremy tried to grab my forearm but I slipped before he could.

I pushed my way out of the grill away from those two Salavatore brothers as one hand made it's way to my forehead.

What the hell is the matter with you, Cassidy? 'Piercing, bright, beautiful'? What the hell! You cannot be falling for that Damon Salvatore; there's so many things wrong with it it is unreal. I mean, it is Damon Salvatore .. he's like one hundred and forty-five years old!

But he's a sexy ass one hundred and forty-five year old

Oh my god, no, no, no.

"Hey, you look troubled," I look up from staring at the sidewalk as I walked to see a female standing before. I slightly knitted my brows knowing I've seen this girl from somewhere but something wasn't clicking all the way. Then it did when I realized I've seen those eyes somewhere.

"Avery, isn't it? Tyler's sister? You're older than him, aren't you?"

She laughed slightly, "Yes and yes. (That explains why I've never seen her around school or anything this passed year. We were seniors). I was actually hoping I'd run into you or Elena like this. Lucky, lucky you. I'm having my ninteenth birthday this coming Saturday. I wanted to event the Gilbert kids. All three of you."

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